Green Club

Count me in.... green is my favorite color.
Oh boy! I like green too, the yellowish greens.............Like I painted the trim on moms house (her favorite color is purple so the door and window frames are a deep purple. And yes it looks great but the green does not come across great in photos. Moms other favorite color is green too, but we had to pick a different green than all 3 neighbors picked (forest green-sage green-blue/green) for their houses.

Or dark olive my eyes

I even found green Gladiolas today! And green zinnas in the burpee catalog
And another joins. There is no such thing as "bad" green. Green in it's myriad of shades is all beautiful. All of this white that is surrounding me is driving me nuts.

Anyone ever been told they had a green thumb? I have. When my mom wants something grown she tells me to do it, especially if she couldn't grow it first

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