Green Club


That's seriously the cutest little fish I've ever seen! He's adorable; he looks like a little toy!

Too bad he's salt water, I'd love one but don't think I have the ambition for a salt water tank.
Green club recognizes that all things good come from GREEN. Think photosynthesis, spring the many benefits of faith in green: higher percentage hatches on shipped eggs, higher percentages of pullets in your hatches, higher awards on your birds when shown, better tasting meaties. a better night's sleep, lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure--you get the picture.
Green even embraces red--now that's scarey. Anyone seen redhen?
Sour... Have you looked outside lately I think spring is about 2-3 months away if we keep getting this nasty stuff

Red?? nope havent seen her all day maybe the storm ate her electric??

Aww, thats too bad because I wanted one like it. I only have fresh water aquariums. That little green fish looks so cute. I never had a green fish before
Okay, I'm on board with that. Green is my favorite color; great things of and from green: grass, trees, plants, emeralds, Malachite (gemstone), things my bunny eats, things my chickens eat, things I eat, algae, the interior lights on my jeep, ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL.
He's not Saltwater guys! He's freshwater! The only freshwater fish I keep are ParrotFish. They have great personalities. Frank is dyed green. They come in all different colors. Your local fish store may not carry them because they are dyed. Personally it doesn't hurt the fish, so to me it's not a big deal. Doesn't shorten their life span, or anything like that.

Oh, really!? I wonder how to get them then, if the local fish stores don't typically have them. I would love some, they are beautiful! And they're called Parrotfish?
They are called "Jellybean Parrotfish". A lot of stores don't have them because they buy into the hype that it hurts the fish to dye it. It doesn't hurt them at all. I've watched it done. You might be able to find them online, but if not I could always ship you some.

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