Green Club

see RED is sexy

Uninhibited, anyway - I'll give you that!
This is the first time I clicked on this thread, thinking it was about saving the planet. Not my cup of tea. Now I see it is about color. Pink is more awesome, looks great with green. Purple is even better with pink and green. Green is the color of money and the love of money is the root of all evil so I keep my feelings about money to myself. Mostly.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Sorry, it just bugs me when people misquote that. Money is not "the" root, simply "a" root. Even chickens can be a root to evil if they rule your life and become your "gods". The end of the verse kinda explains it a bit more.
What version? NIV? (The one I listed is in NIV)

Exactly how it is worded depends on which version you use, of course. I have several different translations here, in each of the 3 that I just checked, the wording is slightly different. IMO, as long as you understand the point (that obsessing about money and/or the things it can get you leads to no end of trouble), precisely how you say it doesn't matter.

It is a mighty useful sort of green when the mortgage payment is due, though! Though these days, it often isn't even green.

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