Green Club

Funny is a strong word...mildly amusing...

OK, beat me for being magnanimous.
I'm reporting Sour to the authorities for using a big word in the kiddie section. And Em, don't beat him, he likes it. He is Brer Rabbit..."please dont throw me into the briar patch." If you want him to suffer you need to be nice to him.
Capvin, this thread was started by Queen Em.
It is not in "the kiddie section" for a reason. There have been times when just keeping it within the BYC definition of "family friendly" has required Herculean effort!
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I'm reporting Sour to the authorities for using a big word in the kiddie section. And Em, don't beat him, he likes it. He is Brer Rabbit..."please dont throw me into the briar patch." If you want him to suffer you need to be nice to him.

Please, Queen Em,
don't beat on me I prefer the 'be nice' in spite of what Capvin says. Honest injun.
You three!

Capvin, Big words are welcome in this kingdom. It's like music to my ears.

Bunny, you have no idea...the things said behind PM...the horror.

Sour, I think Capvin is right...span-uh, corporal punishment for you wouldn't be much punishment.

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