Green Club

Stop it Sour before i go tell the Princess that your being mean to me and i will throw you into the moat

What? Why the animosity, Woof? Sourland was just sayin' mornin'.
Woo and woof - that's a good pair. Very nicely put, Woo. Talking about 'other things' on a public forum is not a real good idea. Hang in here with us orps. Many here are surviving on the fringes of society - I speak only for myself.
Human interaction is highly over rated. Sourland likes animals far better.

Drop the red
and embrace the green
. This too shall pass.
Oh, no, not red, not me, though I am a trifle blue today. It's my son's birthday (yeah, Earth Day, how cool is that?). My parents were supposed to come visit us, but my father is a bit under the weather, so they called and cancelled.
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