Green Club

I'm used to it. What's annoying is when people hear echos of thoughts that were never there in the first place!
We had thunderstorms rumbling around all last night. Wound up getting an inch of rain. It is sooo welcome - almost made the lost sleep tolerable. Everything already looks greener!
I just bought a corn snake for my 6 year old grandson. His Mother doesn't like snakes , but bet she will learn to like some after she see how well he does with his snake.

He love the snake....super tame
It would be a Corn Snake from you, wouldn't it, seeing that most of 'em are red/orange!

I've always liked snakes. One time, before DH and I were married, we spent a weekend at his parents' house. In the morning, DH and his father were sorting out a woodpile, in preparation for a delivery of wood later that day. I heard my future FIL yell, "_____, if you've got any sense, you'll jump out the window!" (It was a 2 story house, bedrooms upstairs, of course). I hear a knock on the door, and there stands my then boyfriend, holding 3 Garter Snakes that they'd found sheltering in the woodpile. Imagine FIL's surprise when I came downstairs holding 2 of them!
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That's a Rough Green Snake, and according to Wikipedia, you may have them in your area. You might have Smooth Green Snakes in your area, too.

Weird fact: we have occasionally found Green Snakes that have been run over on the road. When a Green Snake has been dead for a day or two, it turns sky blue!

The cutest snake that I've ever seen was one that I'd bet deerman would approve of, too. It was a Red-bellied Snake hatchling. They are often almost brick red in my neck of the woods; this guy was, and wasn't more than about 3 inches long!

(not my pic, got this one online)
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Bunny, are you sure that's not a cotton-headed rattlemouth? (You knew that would come back to haunt ya ,didn't you?)
And you owe me for a screen cleaning after I read that! The only one left out is the coral snake.

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