Green Club


I told my kids, "I have to post a picture of these berries; deerman would have had a field day over them. Now, Sour will probably approve of the green bucket." We would have been able to make Qurus happy, too, except that the blueberries are just coming in and they got all the ripe ones picked off over the weekend. I'm just sorry all I can share with y'all are pictures, they are scrumptious!
I think of Burt often. When I saw a bat last night...anytime I see a redhead or make cornbread...Still have a laugh over Fat Albert...
Someone who lives near the barn where my (big) horses are has a peacock. I've never seen it, but I often hear it. Used to be, it had no significance. Now, I find myself wearing a wry smile every time I hear it. I heard it tonight.

Two nights ago, there was a deer standing in my driveway when I drove up. Dratted thing let me get close enough, I could almost count its eyelashes before it bounded away. Nothing unusual about that, we see their tracks all the time, but yeah, I thought of Burt. Found myself wearing that smile again.

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