Green Club

Did I miss the party? I was indeed at a cattle auction yesterday. I came home to a small surprise party. Em feels loved. In case you all are wondering, there were two candles on the cake. A 2 and a 4. In that order. I turned 24 this year...again.

Be sure to include Bluesub on that cake is her birthday. Happy Birthday Blue.
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Did you buy the cow?
Did I miss the party? I was indeed at a cattle auction yesterday. I came home to a small surprise party. Em feels loved. In case you all are wondering, there was two candles on the cake. A 2 and a 4. In that order. I turned 24 this year...again.
Be sure to include Bluesub on that cake is her birthday. Happy Birthday Blue.
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Did I miss the party? I was indeed at a cattle auction yesterday. I came home to a small surprise party. Em feels loved. In case you all are wondering, there was two candles on the cake. A 2 and a 4. In that order. I turned 24 this year...again.
Be sure to include Bluesub on that cake is her birthday. Happy Birthday Blue.
I'm turning 24 again too!!!!
Lord, you guys want too much. I'd settle for 44 or 54 or 64 once again. They just don't let ya do it.
Chickened....they say "Mooo"

Actually, I mean there weren't any that stood out.

Blue, 24 is a good age...I've been that age for...well, none of your business.
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