Green Club

Chickened....they say "Mooo"

Actually, I mean there weren't any that stood out.

Blue, 24 is a good age...I've been that age for...well, none of your business.
I was just funnin' ya. You sayin you did not want any wild fence jumpers eh? Bought a few of them in years past. The county here actually auctions stray cattle and they are usually wild things that someone bought at auction, brought home and escaped.

s it really your B-day? if so "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you". (as close as it gets to me singing)
Yup, it was really my birthday. I am yet another year closer to death. :/

Spook, I have often been called Dr. Doolittle. Or, more often, "that weird chick who spends more time with animals than people."

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