Green Club

Nay...Knave !

It be "caramel-colored".

THE (Royal) - 'hic'- Curmudgeon
I was addressing the "Sour" one thou soused one.
Just stuck some brownies in the oven. I've been juggling a tired 2 year old, trying to bake, and keep cats off the counters. I'm covered in cocoa powder and flour, and Em is tired.

Spook, you better get here before MFB smells them.
"pay no attention to the chocolaty baking smells wafting from the rabbit hole"

Rhetorical question - is it an act of cruelty to bake brownies when one's husband is allergic to chocolate?
" soused one" ...???

Nay...Knave !

( I'm merely ENJOYING "Dinner"...)

( I did notice our Posts occurred at the same moment. )

THE ( Royal ) -hic- Curmudgeon
P.S. to Queen Em....just put MY SHARE of the "goodies" in the Freezer ( where Magician Innocent IV can't get to them). I'll send packaging for shipping later. also...Get some REST, Your Highness !!!
Cool !!!

I always thougth you were a clown Em.

Does Lily like to be juggled?

Save me the brownies. Give Mississippi some popcorn
and let him watch the show.

Spook...who don't juggle babies anymore, on account of
I was throwing baby Spook up in the air and catching her
one time....and I missed.

She landed behind the couch.
" soused one" ...???

Nay...Knave !

( I'm merely ENJOYING "Dinner"...)

( I did notice our Posts occurred at the same moment. )

THE ( Royal ) -hic- Curmudgeon
P.S. to Queen Em....just put MY SHARE of the "goodies" in the Freezer ( where Magician Innocent IV can't get to them). I'll send packaging for shipping later. also...Get some REST, Your Highness !!!
Oh! You're on one of those liquid diets.

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