Green Club

Sorry, onedoodle3, humor seems to be on hiatus. I have a theory about that. It ain't brain fry. With the heat plus humidity, it's actually brain-fungus! I see it all the time around here - people's thought processes get all fuzzy and muddled when the weather turns sultry. Or maybe that should be "muddy and fuzzled"? Or "muzzy and fuddled?" Everything else goes all moldy in a few days at this time of year, I'm thinking our brains are no exception! I wonder if we have anything that'll work as a fungicide . . .

* going to check the stock of brain bleach *
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GREEN is being singed by the drought of summer.
Oh!!! I am so sorry! So GREEN is now BROWN.... :(
My uncle lived in the Tampa area for years.
He missed having green grass.

So he concreted his little yard and painted it green.

Spook...Don't mess with a hillbilly.
We got almost an inch of rain a couple of days ago, so things look pretty green here. This afternoon, I had to drive to Burgaw to pick up some parts for the mower, and I arrived just in time to get thunderstomped! The streets looked like shallow rivers, and for a bit, I was thinking we should have gotten my Explorer fitted with pontoons. At this time of year, the seabreeze front can cause that kind of deluge almost any afternoon.
I think DD's laptop has been taken over by an evil spirit, or something.

Yesterday, DD was doing something on the desktop, and I wanted to check the radar picture, so I borrowed her laptop. I left it on the bed in the master bedroom, and I guess DH must have put it on "hibernate" when he moved it to the desk last night. About 3:15 a.m, we were both awakened by the musical tones of a computer coming to life, followed by the two-note sound of logging in. For some reason, DD had had something like 8 tabs opened to episodes of "My Little Pony," and I hadn't closed them when I used it. Suddenly the computer erupted with the sound of dozens of high-pitched voices all talking at once - I guess it had opened all of the tabs and was playing the videos simultaneously!

Hubby got up muttering, and I heard him fumbling with the computer. I heard, "What's the matter with you, you stupid thing?" over the babble of voices, and after what seemed an interminable amount of time, the computer finally fell silent. "It wouldn't just shut down, I had to do a "hard" shutdown," he said, "so whatever that was, it's gone." Sorry about your programs, Doodlebug, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

Did I mention that this computer is RED?

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