Green Club

We have redhen's approach. "Just sayin'."

Because it's just a better color.
And then we have the kinder gentler approach.

We mus never forget our beginning when the battle lines were drawn. eenie, about that rifle.
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Sour....I can't help but note that you have taken a bit of abuse around the forum lately........AND I can well understand why.

As a side note I recently drove by your part of the world but since the temps were approaching 100 I did not tarry but continued on to New England where we are enjoying some nice, cool weather
So bizarre that on Wed. it was 105 degrees real temp., and today it is 65. I have a two week old litter of puppies that I have been bringing indoors daily. Today I had to turn on their heating pad.

About that abuse - if they are working on me, someone else is being spared. I am after all a humanitarian.
Hey, Don, finally got my first tomatoe.

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