Green Club

IS THAT HOW SHE GETS YOU TO BEHAVE? I need to start taking notes...
Most medical folks end up being slightly confused by me.
Our family doctor just shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders.

Hey, Qurus, blue, how ya doin' lurking there?
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ugh..didn't get much sleep thanks to the phone. Tomorrow the ringer shall be no more!!!
I like working 11-7. I work Sun through Thurs and have Fri & Sat off. It actually is better than working the other shift I was on. It was 7 straight days of 11-7, 2 days off, 7 days of 3-11, 2 days off, and 7 straight days of 7-3, then 4 days off. I can't stand 3-11, can't get anything done working that shift and I am NOT a morning person! So I really hated 7-3. I like driving home with the sun coming up. I've seen some absolutely gorgeous sunrises. I can come home, sleep, get up and get Dakota from the bus stop, and then I have about 4 hours, give or take, to do stuff in. And having Fri and Sat off is great. Before I wasn't able to spend a lot of time with her. Now I can. Well, I will once I get my butt back to Tennessee to pick her up!
Gonna go get her on the 17th. Which, co-inkie dink, is her birthday. My sister and I are going to throw her a surprise party. She's never had a birthday party so she should be really surprised!
Most medical folks end up being slightly confused by me.
Our family doctor just shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders.

Hey, Qurus, blue, how ya doin' lurking there?
I rarely have time to be social anymore, but I try to keep up with the goings-on the Queen Em's Green Queendom.
Hope everyone is doing well
I hear you, Blue. Even when it isn't raining, you feel awfully exposed on the beach when the weather gets wild!

Several years ago, we vacationed in a house in Hatteras. About 4 a.m, one of the wildest storms I've ever heard blew through - almost constant flash-BOOM and you could feel the house swaying in the wind. When we got up in the morning, we learned that my BIL's Hobie cat had dragged its anchor across the little bay where it was moored (the house was on the sound side, not the beach side) and was snuggled up with another Hobie a couple of houses up. No damage to either boat, thank goodness! We were speculating on the likelyhood of a paternity suit coming out of that wild night, but apparently, they were just comforting each other.
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We're staying on the ocean side in Kitty Hawk. Beautiful beach. Fun with friends we met here 5 years ago and stay at the same time every year... only see them once a year...

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