Green Club

"Voices in the Night" sounds like a Frank Sinatra tune. One thing
he does not sound like is a frog.

In Spookland, there are two kinds of frogs.

Big ones and little ones.

Big ones hop faster and are therefore harder to catch.

Spook...heading for bed.
"Strangers in the Night", that's what the giant rabbit was singing when I was lost in the moat labyrinth. I don't think that his intentions were on the morally straight and narrow. The barbecue fork took care of him---'POOF'.
Singing, you say?

That's a new one. Frankly, I didn't know Cousin Harvey could sing. Well, well, a rabbit of hidden talents, ol' Harv.

But you say you think tunes weren't the only thing on his mind, eh? Don't suppose you know what phase the moon is at? He does get a bit frisky when the moon is full, though how in the world he knows it's full beats me, since he never comes above ground. I may have to put the word out, if he's like THAT again.

The last time he was like THAT, he gave poor Aunt Matilda a right fright. Took her waltzing like she'd never waltzed before!
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Back to greeness. I planted my fall garden yesterday. All kinds of yummy greens, except spinach. Too hot yet, but I suspect not for long. Dove have been flying in groups for over three weeks now and the hackberry and pecan trees leaves started turning two weeks ago. That usually doesn't happen until September around here. Oh and the hay, never seen the likes of so much. I think Onedoodle3 is right, old man winter is gonna be early this year. I just hope it doesn't get too cold, I don't do cold very well.
Well, I'm making no predictions about the weather, but it sure has been strange so far this year. Winter was practically non-existent; It was only really cold for maybe 2 weeks. Not that you'll ever hear me complain about a lack of cold! But this summer has been unusually mild, too, and the rainfall hasn't been at all normal. Though it seems to be trying to make up for that this week - I think it has rained every day this week, mostly just enough of a drizzle to make it unpleasant to be out for very long. I'm going to have to start checking the horses for signs of rainrot if this keeps up. They have sense enough to go in when it really rains, but this light stuff doesn't bother them enough to inspire them to want to stay dry.
The one thing I haven't seen yet is the "wooly bears". Last year they were unusually light colored and according to tradition that means a very mild winter, which we had. It would be nice if I didn't have to put out protective measures for the citrus grove again. The year before the "bears" were black as coal, and despite my best efforts we lost some trees. Just wondering.
I haven't seen a single wooly bear this year. That's not really unusual, because they aren't terribly common on our property. Don't know why - maybe we just don't have the types of vegetation they favor?

G'night JD (Jimbob?)
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