Green Club

I'll be praying for you Onedoodle3. Get plenty of rest and get better.
Sour, the migration should start here in about 2 to 3 weeks.

1d3, how ya doin.? Hopin' you feel better. Up here the lemming like wooly bear migration starts sometime after the first frost. That's when you will see them scurrying everywhere.
Thanks, guys. Still have the horrible cough but at least my ears have stopped hurting and I can breathe...which means I can sleep!!!
Haven't had too much sleep since all this started. My poor DD...everytime I have a coughing fit, she gives me a hug and asks if I'm ok. It scares her. She's a sweetie. I tell her I'm fine...just gotta get this mess outta my lungs.

Wanna hear a funny? My dad accidently threw a "dead" possum on the neighbor's dog last night. Poor dog yelped and ran like the possum attacked him. He's still not right this morning.

Well, I'm off to get some rest...
1d3, be careful. Those long lingering coughs can lead to pneumonia. I know. Go to the Dr if you feel tightness or pressure in your lungs.
1d3, be careful. Those long lingering coughs can lead to pneumonia. I know. Go to the Dr if you feel tightness or pressure in your lungs.
On the other hand, pneumonia can lead to those long, lingering coughs. I had pneumonia when I was 12, guess where every cold I have ever caught since then has gone? I didn't realize how much coughing I was doing until I got Percy. Like most cockatiels, Percy was a very talented mimic; he wasn't much of a talker but he was great at sound effects. He meow'ed at the cat and did the "beep" of the microwave so well, I had to watch very carefully to see how many 0's I entered! It was only when I identified one of his favorite sounds as a sort of soft double cough that I noticed how much I was doing it. The bird wasn't coughing - he was imitating me!

Wishing you a speedy recovery, doodle. And be careful with those coughing spells - my SIL cracked a rib coughing one time. OUCH!
Will do, Sour. It's just an aggravating cough. One of those that hangs on and hangs on...Well, I'm off to bed. I'll catch up on all the posts later. Night, y'all.
Doodle, try Vick's under your nose! I have been sick too right now, 5th time this year and for some reason I can't STOP coughing and its a bad hard cough, unless I put Vick's under my nose, then it stops till I take it off.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, doodle. And be careful with those coughing spells - my SIL cracked a rib coughing one time. OUCH!

I popped an inguinal hernia in a coughing spell, OUCH! And OUCH on the surgery that followed.

Hi Java twins
you've been missed in the 'Kingdom'.
Thanks for the advice! I'm slowly losing the cough. I'm glad too cause my ribs were really starting to hurt!!
Unfortunately, my DD got off the bus this afternoon with a 103 fever, cough, stuffy nose, chest pain when she breathes, and an ear ache.....all the glorious symptoms I had...
I took her to the doc and all they said was she has a
What really steamed my butt was she asked the school nurse to call me to come get her and she was told no because there was "only an hour left in the school day" and the nurse said she could handle it. REALLY not happy about that! Could not get DD to eat this evening. All I could get in her was a little bit of ice cream. She ate about 2 tablespoons and said she wanted to lay down. She's been out since 4:45 this evening. I "woke" her up about 15 minutes ago and gave her some Motrin. I put "woke" in quotes cause she never got fully awake. Her fever is up to 104. No sleep for me tonight cause if it goes higher, her butt will be in the ER. And the rest of her body will be right there with it!!
But seriously, I hate when she's sick. She's like her mom...neither one of us gets a "little" sick...oh, no...not us...we get the horrible, coughing your lungs up kinda colds/viruses.

A good thing that happened this week. My son had left on Monday to report for Basic training in Fort Jackson, SC. I did not expect to hear from him for a while. He called me yesterday evening to tell me he was doing fine so far...just finishing up orientation. He went in as an E-3 due to his JROTC experience. He has already been put in charge of his squad...whatever it's called. I don't know...I've never been around military people enough to learn the lingo. I was happy to hear from him. It made my day.

Now that I've kinda taken over, I will get off my little podium and let y'all get back to your regularly scheduled hilarity. Gonna go do the mother hen thing with my Sweetie and pray her fever doesn't get any higher. Y'all have a great night. I'll check in later to get my laugh. Night y'all.
Hey, doodle, how's minidoodle doing? Hope she's feeling better, fevers like that are scary!

Great that you heard from your son, and that's good news that he's settling in so well. I remember a letter we got from my brother when he was in Basic. He said, "I can't take it, I'm going to go AWOL" then he said, "What am I saying? I know perfectly well I won't." When I read that, I was so shocked I nearly dropped the letter. I told my mother, "I don't believe it. He took it back! He made an irrational statement and he didn't defend it to the death, he took it back! There's hope for him yet!" I'm thinking your boy should do a lot better than my brother did, he sounds much more sensible.

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