Green Sheen: Desired or Expected?


Mar 31, 2018
Upstate, NY
I couldn't really think of a better title.

I've noticed that my black chickens - from my Australorps to my BSL to the SLW - have a green tinge in the sunlight.

I was curious if this was something that was encouraged in exhibition birds. For example, white with a tinge of yellow is considered undesirable - pure white is what judges want to see.

Is it the same for black, or is this sheen actually a thing judges want to see on birds? I ask not because I plan on showing my gals, but because I'm curious about all the "feather fixer," and the like products out there - which, when given to my girls, seem to make them even more green.

So, is that what's intended? Black birds should have a lot of sheen?
Like this? All my black chickens have the "Green Sheen" as well! Is there a health issue to it... say if they have the sheen they are "very healthy"? I hear that from our vet about our pup and I was just wondering if it could apply to chickens as well! :)

A green sheen to the feathers is greatly desired and preferred in any chicken that is black. I recently purchased a White Crested Black Polish cock from one of the top breeders and exhibitors in my state and the breeder pulled out two mature roosters and told me to pick which one I wanted out of the two but he gave me a tip first: If the bird’s black, always pick the one with the greatest amount of green on its feathers. When judges are presented with two exactly identical chickens of the black variety, they will resort to comparing the amount of green and place the greener bird over the other one.
A green sheen to the feathers is greatly desired and preferred in any chicken that is black. I recently purchased a White Crested Black Polish cock from one of the top breeders and exhibitors in my state and the breeder pulled out two mature roosters and told me to pick which one I wanted out of the two but he gave me a tip first: If the bird’s black, always pick the one with the greatest amount of green on its feathers. When judges are presented with two exactly identical chickens of the black variety, they will resort to comparing the amount of green and place the greener bird over the other one.
Wow! Thank you, FrankPrize for the info!!

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