Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

Hi guys ...
Hey Al how's your fall garden going?
Everything is pretty much done except to put in garlic in a month.
Plan on bringing in my house plants tomorrow...that always makes me sad.
How are things going with you Rancher?.
Talk soon Carol
Ahh, Carol, you had to ask lol!
My fall garden was eaten just after everything sprouted. Eaten by my four production reds. I have 3' chicken wire around it. The girls had never ventured in but the fence was sagging in places. My four kids and their friends aren't very gentle when they have to retrieve a ball, frizbee, nerf gun projectiles, and the fence pays the price. Anyway, they found the fresh sprouts irresistible.
This has been an unlucky year for me and my garden!
I'm going to be taking cuttings from my outdoor coleus and other plants pretty soon.
This time of year is always a little depressing for me. I can't appreciate the fall colors. It signals the end of my real money-making season (I'm a roofing/painting contractor). And aside from that, I'm just a spring/summer kind of guy. Short days and cold weather drive me crazy.
I'm being a cry-baby lol.
The box elder bugs are absolutely SWARMING our house! And pretty soon the bean field behind our house will get harvested. That usually brings a cloud of Japanese beetles out of the field and onto our house. And those suckers bite!
Like I said, I'm not a big fan of fall lol!
Ahh, Carol, you had to ask lol!
My fall garden was eaten just after everything sprouted. Eaten by my four production reds. I have 3' chicken wire around it. The girls had never ventured in but the fence was sagging in places. My four kids and their friends aren't very gentle when they have to retrieve a ball, frizbee, nerf gun projectiles, and the fence pays the price. Anyway, they found the fresh sprouts irresistible.
This has been an unlucky year for me and my garden!
I'm going to be taking cuttings from my outdoor coleus and other plants pretty soon.
This time of year is always a little depressing for me. I can't appreciate the fall colors. It signals the end of my real money-making season (I'm a roofing/painting contractor). And aside from that, I'm just a spring/summer kind of guy. Short days and cold weather drive me crazy.
I'm being a cry-baby lol.
The box elder bugs are absolutely SWARMING our house! And pretty soon the bean field behind our house will get harvested. That usually brings a cloud of Japanese beetles out of the field and onto our house. And those suckers bite!
Like I said, I'm not a big fan of fall lol!

Al, I was so waiting to hear about your garden too bad. I'm one of those people that has a real problem with short days . With no longer skiing it is even worse. After back surgery 7 years ago I just won't risk it. I'm one of those "Wild World of Sports" kind of skiers.
I am excited about planning what I'm doing next year. You, me and Rancher have to keep in touch so we can pick each others brain.
Are you formiliar with Jerusalem Artichoke ? That's the only thing I have yet to harvest.planted them last year. My girls have been scratching at them so we will see. Be safe Carol
Yeah, we definitely need to stay in touch! This has been a fun thread!
Now I really miss coastal California. I had flowers blooming all year unless I forgot to cover plants on one of the few frosty nights of the year.
I still have a few peppers hanging on plants and carrots in the ground. Probably about 40lbs by the looks of the few I've pulled recently.
Just as a distraction, I was going to try cross country skiing last winter but it only snowed one real good snow. I just don't know what to do with myself in snow and freezing cold. My poor house plants will be in danger of being babied to death.
I had a wild vine growing on the fence out back this summer. It was beautiful! It's another one my neighbor called a weed. She called it trumpet vine. It's not the same thing we called trumpet vine in California. But it did have big, bright red, trumpet shaped flowers. Now there are pods nearly a foot long on it! I'm going to harvest some pods. I don't care if it's a weed. I know some seeds need to be kept below freezing for a time in order to germinate. Anyone know about trumpet vine?
Ahh, Carol, you had to ask lol!
My fall garden was eaten just after everything sprouted. Eaten by my four production reds. I have 3' chicken wire around it. The girls had never ventured in but the fence was sagging in places. My four kids and their friends aren't very gentle when they have to retrieve a ball, frizbee, nerf gun projectiles, and the fence pays the price. Anyway, they found the fresh sprouts irresistible.
This has been an unlucky year for me and my garden!
I'm going to be taking cuttings from my outdoor coleus and other plants pretty soon.
This time of year is always a little depressing for me. I can't appreciate the fall colors. It signals the end of my real money-making season (I'm a roofing/painting contractor). And aside from that, I'm just a spring/summer kind of guy. Short days and cold weather drive me crazy.
I'm being a cry-baby lol.
The box elder bugs are absolutely SWARMING our house! And pretty soon the bean field behind our house will get harvested. That usually brings a cloud of Japanese beetles out of the field and onto our house. And those suckers bite!
Like I said, I'm not a big fan of fall lol!
I'll be a cry baby right along w/ you I HATE winter to the bottoms of my toenails, even as a small child all the other kids having a good time playing in snow, not me, no matter how many layers of coats, snow suits, mittens, boots my parents put on me, it was never enough.

My fall garden is still going pretty good, but doubt I get to many tomatoes before we get a freeze, we'll see maybe we'll get another late freeze this year.
Yeah, we definitely need to stay in touch! This has been a fun thread!
Now I really miss coastal California. I had flowers blooming all year unless I forgot to cover plants on one of the few frosty nights of the year.
I still have a few peppers hanging on plants and carrots in the ground. Probably about 40lbs by the looks of the few I've pulled recently.
Just as a distraction, I was going to try cross country skiing last winter but it only snowed one real good snow. I just don't know what to do with myself in snow and freezing cold. My poor house plants will be in danger of being babied to death.
I had a wild vine growing on the fence out back this summer. It was beautiful! It's another one my neighbor called a weed. She called it trumpet vine. It's not the same thing we called trumpet vine in California. But it did have big, bright red, trumpet shaped flowers. Now there are pods nearly a foot long on it! I'm going to harvest some pods. I don't care if it's a weed. I know some seeds need to be kept below freezing for a time in order to germinate. Anyone know about trumpet vine?
Is it Angel's Trumpet?
Is it Angel's Trumpet?
Oh my is that beautiful!!!!!
Hey Al if it is that do you think you could send a pod or two East???
Baby, if you would like I can send you some of the Jerusalem Artichoke to plant this year for next year. You will have to keep them under control though ....
Yeah, we definitely need to stay in touch! This has been a fun thread!
Now I really miss coastal California. I had flowers blooming all year unless I forgot to cover plants on one of the few frosty nights of the year.
I still have a few peppers hanging on plants and carrots in the ground. Probably about 40lbs by the looks of the few I've pulled recently.
Just as a distraction, I was going to try cross country skiing last winter but it only snowed one real good snow. I just don't know what to do with myself in snow and freezing cold. My poor house plants will be in danger of being babied to death.
I had a wild vine growing on the fence out back this summer. It was beautiful! It's another one my neighbor called a weed. She called it trumpet vine. It's not the same thing we called trumpet vine in California. But it did have big, bright red, trumpet shaped flowers. Now there are pods nearly a foot long on it! I'm going to harvest some pods. I don't care if it's a weed. I know some seeds need to be kept below freezing for a time in order to germinate. Anyone know about trumpet vine?

Al definitely try cross country skiing.
I have never had a problem with snow or cold I just have a real problem with the shortened days.
I love watching snow storms and going out and walking around after they are over.
I just can't take the risk of injuring my back again with skiing. I can't even ride a bike anymore because of the angle I would have to sit in. I would never wish back pain on anyone..
Kass, girls are doing great... I'm terrible with pics.
Used the last of my fresh peppers to make sausage and peppers last night.
Al did your neighbor ever find out where his herd got the yew from?

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