Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

Queenchick, that's not quite it. The flowers were red all the way down and the were more, kinda, sorta, fleshier looking??? And the flowers grew in clumps. I'll google it and post a picture.
I'll definitely send/trade seeds though!

It turns out the yew was growing right in the pasture along the fence line. I think my friend may have been feeding the herd a little light. With the drought and high hay prices the cattle must have decided to give it a try. It's too bad.

This is definitely it. The leaves remind me of the wisteria we had in California. Each flower is 3-4 inches long and in real life the color is an even brighter crimson. I don't think I've ever used the word 'crimson' before lol.

On the site, it was listed as as both trumpet vine and trumpet creeper. I'd sure like to catch my neighbor, Mrs. Cox, in a mistake one of these days!

Anyway, let me know if you'd like seeds. I'll wait for the pods to open a bit before sending them. I once sent a few wisteria pods in an envelope. One literally exploded and tore the envelope open before I got it sent off!

This is definitely it. The leaves remind me of the wisteria we had in California. Each flower is 3-4 inches long and in real life the color is an even brighter crimson. I don't think I've ever used the word 'crimson' before lol.
On the site, it was listed as as both trumpet vine and trumpet creeper. I'd sure like to catch my neighbor, Mrs. Cox, in a mistake one of these days!
Anyway, let me know if you'd like seeds. I'll wait for the pods to open a bit before sending them. I once sent a few wisteria pods in an envelope. One literally exploded and tore the envelope open before I got it sent off!

I'd love to have seeds.
Your wife is really going to kill you; swapping through the mail.
We have those growing around here at different places but they're orange. Look exactly the same, same leaves, everything. We call them trumpet vines.
Email me some addresses and I'll send some out when they dry. The pods are 10-12" long and still green!

[email protected]

My wife is used to me doing strange things. A couple weeks ago I asked her to pick up a couple hundred googly eyes from the craft store. She said,"I don't even want to know. I'll get them but I don't even want to know."
The kids and I went to the store and stuck them on everything that looked kind of like a face. Balls, apples, frizbees, the end of a tube of sausage...
Email me some addresses and I'll send some out when they dry. The pods are 10-12" long and still green!
[email protected]
My wife is used to me doing strange things. A couple weeks ago I asked her to pick up a couple hundred googly eyes from the craft store. She said,"I don't even want to know. I'll get them but I don't even want to know."
The kids and I went to the store and stuck them on everything that looked kind of like a face. Balls, apples, frizbees, the end of a tube of sausage...
:lau :lau
Good morning all, I've got almost everything done for winter,well almost. Still have the fig tree to do along with the blue berry plants.i ordered my garlic the other day. I'm trying some new varieties this year. Ill get them in the ground in a couple of never ends
I had to replace my front gate 'cause both posts rotted off right at ground level. My husband had a problem with me taking it upon my self to arrange to have it done without discussing it with him first. I can never win. I just figured that it's one less thing he has to worry about.
I'm heading to Florida for a long weekend to visit my friend and brother. Even though there's plenty to do around here I need a little break.
I recently took my late tomatoes out of the ground and transplanted them into containers that i am taking in and out into the sunshine. Believe me or not they are actually doing better.

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