Greenfire Farms Chick Survival Rate

Could it be your water? Are you on well water which may have something in it which doesn't bother humans but harms chicks?
The gro gel isn't to be blamed at all, it is widely used and has been for many years. I seriously doubt the gro gel has anything at all to do with it. I believe it was a worker from the USPS not handling them correctly somewhere along the way, It's all i can think of. Maybe they didn't read warnings on the box, and had them near the ac or heat, or they were to rough with the box either on accident or on purpose. I ordered only 6 chicks, they were all very clean and healthy. The straw bedding stuff they use was glued to the bottom of the box and the gro gel cups were glued down as well. Took 2 days for them to get here, i live in texas. The gro gel being everywhere, really makes me think they were shaken somehow.
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Water couldn't be the issue as they started dropping way before I saw them start drinking. Regardless, I have raised a few hundred chicks of different breeds with no issues at all.

I have had a total of three batches of chicks with issues - two came from Greenfire Farms (Niederrheiners and Twentse), one from Brinkhaven Acres (Niederrheiners). All were shipped with GroGel. I had another batch of chicks shipped in (Barbezieux) from Gold Feather Farms and had ZERO issues with them.

Originally, after getting the second batch of Niederrheiners, and seeing how dang small the chicks were (compared with any other breed), I am if the thinking they are just a fragile bird. Maybe my experiences are unique, but we won't be making a go at them because of this. The Barbezieux, on the other hand, have done very well. Really looking forward to seeing them as they continue to feather out.

The new batch of Twentse, man, they were in such rough shape by the time I picked them up. Here's a pic of the box:


I'm down to four Twentse chicks now.

I would really like to hear from anyone else that has had chicks shipped from Greenfire. Am I the only person to have these problems? What can I do to avoid them in the future? Overall, my experience with using USPS to ship chicks or eggs has been overwhelmingly bad. I don't see myself ever shipping anything in again. I plan on making the trip, in person, to wherever I need to go. It's the only way to ensure proper handling in transit.
Water couldn't be the issue as they started dropping way before I saw them start drinking. Regardless, I have raised a few hundred chicks of different breeds with no issues at all.

I have had a total of three batches of chicks with issues - two came from Greenfire Farms (Niederrheiners and Twentse), one from Brinkhaven Acres (Niederrheiners). All were shipped with GroGel. I had another batch of chicks shipped in (Barbezieux) from Gold Feather Farms and had ZERO issues with them.

Originally, after getting the second batch of Niederrheiners, and seeing how dang small the chicks were (compared with any other breed), I am if the thinking they are just a fragile bird. Maybe my experiences are unique, but we won't be making a go at them because of this. The Barbezieux, on the other hand, have done very well. Really looking forward to seeing them as they continue to feather out.

The new batch of Twentse, man, they were in such rough shape by the time I picked them up. Here's a pic of the box:

I'm down to four Twentse chicks now.

I would really like to hear from anyone else that has had chicks shipped from Greenfire. Am I the only person to have these problems? What can I do to avoid them in the future? Overall, my experience with using USPS to ship chicks or eggs has been overwhelmingly bad. I don't see myself ever shipping anything in again. I plan on making the trip, in person, to wherever I need to go. It's the only way to ensure proper handling in transit.
That is horrible, its just like you said. Poor little chicks
Water couldn't be the issue as they started dropping way before I saw them start drinking. Regardless, I have raised a few hundred chicks of different breeds with no issues at all.

I have had a total of three batches of chicks with issues - two came from Greenfire Farms (Niederrheiners and Twentse), one from Brinkhaven Acres (Niederrheiners). All were shipped with GroGel. I had another batch of chicks shipped in (Barbezieux) from Gold Feather Farms and had ZERO issues with them.

Originally, after getting the second batch of Niederrheiners, and seeing how dang small the chicks were (compared with any other breed), I am if the thinking they are just a fragile bird. Maybe my experiences are unique, but we won't be making a go at them because of this. The Barbezieux, on the other hand, have done very well. Really looking forward to seeing them as they continue to feather out.

The new batch of Twentse, man, they were in such rough shape by the time I picked them up. Here's a pic of the box:

I'm down to four Twentse chicks now.

I would really like to hear from anyone else that has had chicks shipped from Greenfire. Am I the only person to have these problems? What can I do to avoid them in the future? Overall, my experience with using USPS to ship chicks or eggs has been overwhelmingly bad. I don't see myself ever shipping anything in again. I plan on making the trip, in person, to wherever I need to go. It's the only way to ensure proper handling in transit.
Gee...poor babies. Looks like one of the dead ones must have spent his time stuck in the grow gel cup. A few look to have drowned in it. I do see one cup that looks wet and another that looks dry. That's kind of weird. They probably did get chilled after getting wet by the stuff.
Well, my four surviving chicks seem to be doing fine. All will hop right up and run around the brooder box, as well as eat and drink normally.

I won't besmirch Greenfire as they have offered to refund me for the losses (although what I really want are live, healthy chicks...). That being said, I am incredibly reluctant to have chicks shipped to me. My experience with USPS is atrocious. It is worth it to me to drive the distance to pick them up myself - and I can typically find what I want within a 500-mile radius or so. Just need to be patient and vigilant.

GroGel, man, I'm still not sold on this stuff. Seems like chicks don't consistently eat it, I have no earthly idea why it is dyed. Small chicks will invariably move around everywhere in a shipping box so they're going to get some on themselves. That could lead to chilling/hypothermia, or it could just mat their down to the point they don't, or can't, move around much. Plus, if you're getting day-old chicks, why is adding anything in the shipping box (other than a heating pad) necessary when they continue to absorb their yolk sac for approximately 72 hours anyway?

If anyone has a line on some Twentse chicks, please let me know. I'm not sure I can put together a very good group with only 4 chicks...
It's dyed because it makes them more attracted to it. It's a probiotic + vitamins and its hydrating. They add it because they get better results with it, than without it. You can always request to the seller that they don't put it in, they won't mind. The mailing process is stressful, if they were with mom they would be doing nothing but sitting around. In a shipping box they are getting bounced around by people and bumps in the road, their bodies probably use it faster. Maybe they get stuck in the mail for an extra day. I would try again, since you got your money back. This time tell them you do not want gro gel included, it might work out better, because they wont be able to drown and get chilled.

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