Grinding oyster shells at home?


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
This may be a stupid question. I just got a bunch of mussels from the local fishmonger--farmed in Maine, so they're real cheap. After a lovely seafood dinner, can I grind up the shells somehow and give them to the chickens? If so, how do I grind them up? Run 'em over in the truck? Put in a Ziploc and sledgehammer?

I tried to compost them last year, hoping that maybe mixed with something acidic like spoiled yogurt, they might soften a bit and decay. Not so much...
After some trial & error, I have a method we use here. Put them in an old used ziplock & wrap it in a towel or rags. Put it under the wheel of a car or truck & run over it repeatedly. Works great!
Thanks! I knew someone brilliant would have the answer! Much appreciated.

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