Grit and Oyster shells?

No need to BUY anything! I used a tuna can for the grit and a cottage cheese container for the shell. Free and easy. I simply nailed them to a deck post and the chooks have at them whenever they need one or the other.
Thx Great Ideas Here
I see where many people are saying use separate feeders for grit and oyster shell and I am. I juat do not see why just spreading on ground is not ok, I do not think either will have problems if it rains and that is what they like to do, scratch for food/grit. Any thoughts?
You can just throw it in the ground, but it might ended up wasted, and some people like to see how much is being consumed, and it just makes more sense to use bowls, but you can do it anyway you want.
I agree with oldhenlikesdogs but just wanted to add that I have my oyster shell in the coop in a bowl.

I find my girls seem to prefer to peck at it [if they feel they need it] just before roost time and make a point of going specifically to it whereas if it was scattered on the ground, they may not ‘make a point’ of eating it .. if that makes sense?
I was using a plastic bowl from the dollar store but after about 4 years it gave out so now I'm using the top off a 25 cd case. I just screwed it to the wall near the food about 9-10 inches off the floor to try and keep the pine shavings out of it.with free ranging the girls don't go thru much in the summer but tend to use a little more in the winter.
Question, I love boiled eggs but these are impossible to peal, lose too much white when pealing. Fyi, yoke on these eggs are finaminal, like butter, not dry. How and when to boil

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