

7 Years
May 13, 2012
Long Island, New York
ok so tonight/ tomorrow morning is my chicks 4 week birthday!! and i really want to start giving them treats like scrambled eggs and/ or yogurt. My question is: do i need grit and if so how much should be available to them? do they need grit if they get yogurt? should i sprinkle it in their feed or should i have a separate dish filled with chick grit? Thanks in advance!!
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I just sprinkle a handful of grit on the ground for my older birds, or on the floor of the brooder for the younger ones. They will eat it if they know they need it - otherwise they won't touch it, so don't be concerned if they don't seem interested. For cooked egg and yogurt they really don't need it but hey, it can't hurt to offer it can it?
Anything that is water soluble is fine to give without grit. That limits your possibilties...with a little grit, you options are limitless ;)
theyve moved on to food thats more like crumbles... i'm not sure if it has grit though... but without grit what can i give them other than their regular feed?
ok so tonight/ tomorrow morning is my chicks 4 week birthday!! and i really want to start giving them treats like scrambled eggs and/ or yogurt. My question is: do i need grit and if so how much should be available to them? do they need grit if they get yogurt? should i sprinkle it in their feed or should i have a separate dish filled with chick grit? Thanks in advance!!
if you take your chicks outside during the day then they will find grit. You wont have to buy it or feed it. They will find it on their own. Otherwise give it in a separate dish.

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