Group of bachelor roos, anyone do this??

I've never had much of a problem with keeping a roo pen. It's been a necessity, since I always seem to end up with way more than I need. The only time I've had problems is when I put a new roo in the pen. They tend to pick on him a few days until the pecking order is re-established.
I have WAY too many roosters, so I keep about 8 of them together in their own side of the coop with a fenced yard. There is some challenging/fighting in the spring, but they get over it once they figure out the hierarchy. I do trim their spurs way down, as those will do a lot of damage if left sharp. If someone is being a bully, they usually have a "bad experience" from the king roo (me), which adjusts attitude pretty quickly - they either get chased around or hung upside down for a few minutes. Beats the alternative...
I LOVE roos there is no better way for me to explain it. I an not go to market with out bringing home yet another roo. I have 5 that free range, these I call my lawn ornaments :
Big Red- RIR
Dog - duckwing I think
Gum Gum and Dum Dum- Two mutts
Luckie - bantam cochin

Dustmop and an unanamed new one - fizzles , in a pen with a few hens
a newly bought golden phoniex pair in their own pen

And then in with my laying hens and ducks I have a second golden phoniex - Phoniex and a unnamed amercuna roo of my hubby's.

I am hopefully buying a BLRW tomorrow
And I undoubtly will bring atleast one more fancy roo home to wander the yard within the next few months when I start going to auction every other week or so.

My roos fight from time to time but nothing horrible, just alittle "I am the big dog here" which Red always wins cause he of course is the "big dog". Once in a while, usually when someone new arrives. They work it out within a day or two and then all is peaceful.
So what I'm hearing is a bachelor pen will work and just end up with about the same amount of squabbles as the hens do? I'd like my girls not bare backed and the roos fighting over them all the time. I want to try breeding a couple of certain breeds, but the most of my hens are just for layers. Also the hens seem to tend to pick out my roos tail feather. Maybe just a group of roos won't do that. I think I'm going to try this come summer, of course I have to hatch more little ones and I suppose I'm bound to get roos.
It's a long story, but we ended up taking in a stray cockerel about a year ago. He needed company, so we went to the feedstore for "guaranteed hens." Now we have 5 roosters and 4 hens. My husband built a coop with with two "apartments." Follow good advice on this column and make sure the coop comes before the chickens. 4 roosters are on one side of the coop, 1 rooster and hens on the other. As long as they are separate, they do fine. Sometimes a little pecking at each other through the fencing that separates them. All our chickens are pets and always will be.
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