GRRR! My rooster won't mate!


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
North Georgia
I wasn't sure where to post this... finally decided here, hope this is okay.

I have posted about my rooster before, but now, I am REALLY getting frustrated with him!! What is his deal?! I KNOW he isn't mating with the hens, because all of them squat when I go near them. He doesn't crow either, but several people in my last post mentioned that that is "normal" for Ameraucanas. A few days ago, I took him out and put him in a pin all by himself. Yesterday, I put a laying (and squatting) hen in there with him. Did he attempt to mate with her? No. Did the idea even cross his mind? Of course not. What does he do? He is TERRIFIED of the hen! I mean scared to death of her! Do I have a woman-hater rooster on my hands? What should I do with him?? I really wanted to raise Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers but I guess what won't be happening!!!
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He's still quite abit young. A lady up my street, he roo was the same once he turned 2 he started and he has good fertility. Wait a bit are the hens older or younger?
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He's still quite abit young. A lady up my street, he roo was the same once he turned 2 he started and he has good fertility. Wait a bit are the hens older or younger?

2? Wow. The hens are all 11 months and under. I have two Ameraucana hens that are the same age and they haven't laid a single egg yet. Maybe they are slow maturing?​
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Is he the only roo in with the hens? If he is have you checked the eggs to see if they're fertile? It's possible that he is mating the hens, but sees you as the dominant roo and won't "bother" them while you're around. I would think 11 months would be more than old enough to get the job done.
My 11 month old Ameraucana rooster is very actively mating all 12 of my hens who are up to two years old and quite large. I don't know maybe he has some sort of hormone defficience. I think we talked about this either in PM or on another post. I checked fertility in my eggs and its good so its unusual for a rooster to not mate at this age. I think 11 months is a strech when the hens are about to start laying or already laying.

Good Luck hope he snaps out of it. Thats not usually a problem most people have it is very interesting.


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