Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

You're very sweet, thank you. I couldn't work on it today. Woke up with an achy shoulder and neck and sewing the rows together wasn't something I wanted to continue tackling so I crocheted all day long instead-less stress on the neck doing that. Will probably continue tomorrow on it.
The rows are together, though my perfectionist self is not satisfied with some of the result. Never again will I do blocks with points that have to some together without sashing, grrrr! No matter how square the blocks, and they are, some points will be compromised or offset from each other when you sew them together. And my machine bogs down on the thick seams and refuses to move sometimes. Sigh. Anyway, on to the border issue... about a year ago, a nice person gave me an Amazon gift card and at that time, with this project in mind, I bought 3 yards of 108" wide quilt backing in a tone-on-tone purple color. .Well, guess what? There is enough to back the quilt and put a 6" border all the way around it, so purple it is, ladies!

I'm bushed so won't do those today. I need to switch it up and crochet awhile to relax after pulling what's left of my hair out trying to get the rows together in a somewhat acceptable manner. And I realized I turned some of the stars different than I intended, after I had the rows sewn, but it really isn't a huge deal with this pattern, thank goodness. I guess I was losing interest in the project, to tell the truth, so was rushing to finish it.

That will make a beautiful border! Glad you found what you were looking for without having to wait, now you can get it finished and out of the way as soon as you're ready to so it's off your mind and you can start looking forward to your next project (or next 3 projects from the sounds of it! LOL)
Thanks a bunch!

I'm ready to be done with this quilt and onto other smaller quilted projects. Right now, I'm crocheting an afghan and love doing scarves and shawls so that is taking up more of my time these days.
Thought I'd let you know that I got my "marching orders" on the second bed runner. Neighbor's DIL picked out the one she wanted from my portfolio and I already had some of the blocks partially cut out from leftover quilt kit I made a bed quilt from, which was given to me by another BYCer. I have four of the five blocks finished, last one will be done today, but I have to buy some sashing and border fabric-wasn't enough left of those from the kit fabrics, dang it.

ETA: a family friend of the neighbor's had to come up from Florida to help her with a medical issue and it probably helped when she told my neighbor what fine work her bed runner was and asked about me doing a bed quilt for her, lol. Nope, I don't do bed quilts anymore, at least not for other people, but it was nice to have the back-up from that friend.
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Thought I'd let you know that I got my "marching orders" on the second bed runner. Neighbor's DIL picked out the one she wanted from my portfolio and I already had some of the blocks partially cut out from leftover quilt kit I made a bed quilt from, which was given to me by another BYCer. I have four of the five blocks finished, last one will be done today, but I have to buy some sashing and border fabric-wasn't enough left of those from the kit fabrics, dang it.

ETA: a family friend of the neighbor's had to come up from Florida to help her with a medical issue and it probably helped when she told my neighbor what fine work her bed runner was and asked about me doing a bed quilt for her, lol. Nope, I don't do bed quilts anymore, at least not for other people, but it was nice to have the back-up from that friend.
Congrats!!! Glad you are getting the recognition you deserve for all of your hard work!
How beautiful! I've always admired folks who have a talent for such things. My mother is quite the quilter, sewer, embroiderer, crocheter, etc. Unfortunately, this apple fell far far away from that tree.

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