Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

I am close to being finished with another bed runner, just a couple more sashings to quilt, then the border and she's ready to bind. This one will be for sale on the Blue Roo Creations site, either the web store or Etsy or Ebay, not sure which, maybe even just on BYC. As always, it's machine pieced, but quilted entirely by hand. It's much slower going than it used to be, but I'm not pushing myself too hard to finish.

Haven't decided on the pricing yet. It will measure approximately 21.5" wide by 77" long.

Unfortunately, so many people have NO idea of the costs and time involved with hand-crafts. They're so used to quick satisfaction, shoddy industrial craftsmanship and warehouse pricing many can't grasp the concept of what true quality and good, fair value is. Add to that some people seems to have a bizarre sense of entitlement.

I do embroidery, cross-stitch and needle felting. I'm an amateur still, but I've received multiple requests for custom items from friends, family and acquaintances. Other than gifts, I've yet to accept such requests. The reason is because they have NO consideration or appreciation for how much time and money goes into it. They want the best quality materials, extensive detail / expansive projects, don't want to pay for materials and would rather just pay a few dollars for the finished product citing "I could get X like it at target / random other store". One such example being a friend that wanted a detailed felted tree ornament, with felt core, multiple colors and lots of small detailing... And only wanted to pay $3 because thats what the shoddy, poorly made felt-over-foam ones cost at target. When the cost of materials alone is brought up, she assumed that since I had materials already, she shouldn't need to cover materials.

Your work is beautiful, and I think $90 for those pieces shown is a steal. If someone gripes about your prices, don't fret over it. Just pass them by. There are still people that appreciate such skills and work and will gladly pay for it.
Unfortunately, so many people have NO idea of the costs and time involved with hand-crafts. They're so used to quick satisfaction, shoddy industrial craftsmanship and warehouse pricing many can't grasp the concept of what true quality and good, fair value is. Add to that some people seems to have a bizarre sense of entitlement.

I do embroidery, cross-stitch and needle felting. I'm an amateur still, but I've received multiple requests for custom items from friends, family and acquaintances. Other than gifts, I've yet to accept such requests. The reason is because they have NO consideration or appreciation for how much time and money goes into it. They want the best quality materials, extensive detail / expansive projects, don't want to pay for materials and would rather just pay a few dollars for the finished product citing "I could get X like it at target / random other store". One such example being a friend that wanted a detailed felted tree ornament, with felt core, multiple colors and lots of small detailing... And only wanted to pay $3 because thats what the shoddy, poorly made felt-over-foam ones cost at target. When the cost of materials alone is brought up, she assumed that since I had materials already, she shouldn't need to cover materials.

Your work is beautiful, and I think $90 for those pieces shown is a steal. If someone gripes about your prices, don't fret over it. Just pass them by. There are still people that appreciate such skills and work and will gladly pay for it.

Thank you! I see you know exactly where I'm at with this. Folks don't get that even if we do have the materials/fabric on hand, we did pay for them and that removes them from our inventory and we have to replace them in order to make something else. Cotton prices have soared in recent years. And not all cotton is equal, especially for quilting, so I use only first quality 100% cotton. If you can read a book through it easily, it won't hold up for years to come and is not suitable for most quilting projects, especially a bed quilt, which receives much tugging and periodic washings.

If someone wants to pay Walmart or Target prices, that's exactly where they should go. They'll get what they pay for, of course. And, when someone in the family says, "Oh, make me one!", well, you know what runs through my head. They are usually clueless.

Oh, I did decide on the price for this last one. It is in our Blue Roo web store for $95 plus shipping cost. I will not give my hand quilted items away. I simply refuse. And I still think that is a bargain. Some folks need to look at the Amish quilt sites and they'd think mine were a steal, for sure.
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Now I crochet and knit, not easy being a man.

Yet I crack up when I see quilts, $19.99 at the Christmas tree shop. I call all that stuff "seasonal" cuz next season you get to buy it again. Anyhow when I look at the fabric it's "see through" the thread count is so poor.

DW bakes and sews and I always get upset when folks ask her to do stuff. Though she usually makes it a gift if it's for a wedding. DW is such a sweet heart she never says no. Though she doesn't make clothing anymore. Learned her lesson on that one.

Then folks ask her to make drapes and complain it's takes her so long. Well Lord have mercy, she works full time and some of the women who ask don't. Makes me so mad.

Too, I've gone to craft shows and bought stuff simply because, by the time I buy the tools to make what every it is and that I will probably never use said tool again, it's cheaper to just buy it from the crafter.

I tried the craft show thing but people were so rude, with comments I gave it up. Sometimes I think folks should put down the cost of materials and hours spent making their stuff just so folks who think it's to much $$ would see just how cheap the labor is on what ever it is. Far below that $7.25 hr.

I'm sorry if I shouldn't have put my two cents in.
I want to jump in and say how beautiful your work is and I know how much time and effort and love goes into all of that.
I used to do craft fairs for many years and sold all kinds of quilted wall hangings and pillows. Like you, I piece by machine and quilt by hand. I had many good customers that appreciated the quality of the work and didn't quibble about cost. But a lot of folks would look and look and then say, "Can you do any better on the price?"
Man, that used to really piss me off! I always wanted to say, you are not at the flea market or a garage sale. These things are American handicrafts, they are to be valued and treasured. Keep up the good work and so glad that you got your price for that gorgeous runner. :D
Thank you for that. You know, up until about 3 years ago, I even pieced by hand! I didn't know how to use a machine. And when someone wants to get you to basically give them something you hand pieced and hand quilted for a Wally World price, it really does make your hackles rise.
I want to jump in and say how beautiful your work is and I know how much time and effort and love goes into all of that.
It is absolutely stunning! -lovely work! -such appreciation for good handwork and skill! (-fondest memories of learning how to piece and quilt with my grandmother. She generously and patiently worked with me all summer on a single small quilt. -still have her beautiful creations and treasure them. -priceless. -wish that I'd learned to tat from her. -lost art.) It is hard to find folks that still produce quality items created by hand. Yours are truly beautiful, valuable works of art....
It is absolutely stunning! -lovely work! -such appreciation for good handwork and skill! (-fondest memories of learning how to piece and quilt with my grandmother. She generously and patiently worked with me all summer on a single small quilt. -still have her beautiful creations and treasure them. -priceless. -wish that I'd learned to tat from her. -lost art.) It is hard to find folks that still produce quality items created by hand. Yours are truly beautiful, valuable works of art....

Thank you so much. I know there are people who do understand, but sometimes, it seems that the other kind outnumber them 100 to 1. I was working on the bed runner just now. Have one more block to quilt the sashing on, then on to figure out the motif for the border and which fabric to make the binding from. Should be ready to send out soon, hopefully.

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