Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

Miss Lucille's quilt is finished. Just want to go over the entire thing to be sure I haven't skipped some small thing. There is one Dresden plate muslin center that needs outline quilting but that won't take but a few minutes. The total? 114.5 hours. Good grief.

That is simply gorgeous!!!!

That will become a family treasure! You did a wonderful job, and I am glad you have taken the time to share the process with us!
Thank you. It took much longer than expected, mostly due to the unfinished parts of blocks that appeared complete (I'm sure she didn't see many of those) and me being completely in the dark as to what the border would be or how long that would take.

The border alone, after cutting the backing to the proper distance from the front face of the quilt all around, took 9 1/2 hours, all done yesterday. Thought most of you know this, you have to fold once, press, fold over the front, pin, miter corners (which sometimes takes some pushing and shoving, lol), etc. Then, the stitching. Of course, I've never had to estimate how long to complete someone else's work, not knowing every single thing that needed to be done, either. But, my April 1st deadline I set for myself will be met for sure and I can get back to my own quilt projects. I won't do it again. I'd rather make something then try to sell it than do anything on commission! That way, there is not the problem with someone not being satisfied with the work, not getting what they expected.

So, I have to check the one center circle where she didn't get it over the raw edge of two of the "paddles" of the plate and see if I can just unclip that and move it over to center properly. If I don't, they will eventually fray when washed and someone will have to fix it anyway.

I think it's a lovely quilt. Miss Lucille designed a beauty. There are things I probably wouldn't have done if I was making it, like use that broadcloth type light pink for anything. Its an odd fabric to work with, very see-through thin and fray-likely, but sometimes, tough to quilt through. But, it looks so feminine and I hope that Viki loves it and will have it on her bed for many years to come. I do think that eventually, they will have to re-bind it with different fabric because that pink will most likely wear on the edges faster than some other better cottons would.
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Thank you for joining the thread. You know, it's one thing to say, "Hey, that's great, but I can't afford it; sure wish I could!" but it's quite another to say, "It's not worth what she's charging, no matter the quality of the fabric or the workmanship or the originality of design."

Some people will just never get it, I guess. Well, I'll keep my stuff rather than give it away for overseas-made WallyWorld prices. If that's all they want, they can go there. And they'll have something a million other folks have just like it, something that won't last through the second wash, or maybe even the first.

I just HAVE to remark on your Wally World junk........ I work there....

You would be amazed by the remarks about the shoddy work I have heard...... When I ask the lady if she sew/crochetes/knits, you would be amazed at the number of them that say yes, but there is just not time in their life to do it anymore.
I completely understand the time factor. It's just that you really can't complain about the shoddy work if you know that's what you're buying. I shop Walmart myself, have to with our budget, but to ask someone to create a custom, handmade piece and think you're getting it for a Walmart price is just ridiculous.

It takes a long time to hand quilt a queen size quilt-I'm trying to finish one for our own bed now that got put aside to do this commissioned project- and sometimes, it's easier to just pick up something at a discount store, but I know what I'm getting if I do that and I don't expect it to last for 20 years or more.
That quilt turned out beautiful! You did an awesome job. You have made a friend forever in the grandma and you will be remembered in Ms Vicki's heart for the rest of her life.

If you can't tell, I am in awe of your skills and willingness to do this for these people. God bless you!
That quilt turned out beautiful! You did an awesome job. You have made a friend forever in the grandma and you will be remembered in Ms Vicki's heart for the rest of her life.

If you can't tell, I am in awe of your skills and willingness to do this for these people. God bless you!

Oh, you are too sweet and give me too much credit. I am charging her some for the work but probably 1/4 of what someone else would. I had to, it just took so much time, away from other things, etc. I started on Feb 25, I believe, and I only missed 4 days working on it that entire time, one day for my dental work and a couple days when I was sick (though I was sick for almost 3 weeks). I just was touched by her story and felt it was something I should do. I hope Miss Lucille is pleased and I thank her and her granddaughter for allowing me to collaborate on this lovely quilt.

As for doing it for someone else, um, I don't think I would take on another one. How do you ask someone not to recommend you?
I want to learn to machine quilt and I am saving to buy that machine I have my eye on. This will boost me toward that goal a bit. You should see the condition of my poor fingers, oh my.
I know, I crochet with yarn, make a lot of hats and scarves gor gifts tor the family. I bring my handy work to work and have people all the time asking me to sell them a scarf. I quoted $14 to a woman, she says what if I bring you the yarn? I said $12, she said WHAT????? That's highway robbery!!!!!!

Yep, they are everywhere!!

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