Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

I know, I crochet with yarn, make a lot of hats and scarves gor gifts tor the family. I bring my handy work to work and have people all the time asking me to sell them a scarf. I quoted $14 to a woman, she says what if I bring you the yarn? I said $12, she said WHAT????? That's highway robbery!!!!!!

Yep, they are everywhere!!

Oh, I know, trust me. We have lots of crocheted items in our Blue Roo Creations Etsy shop. The yarn is not cheap these days. Folks probably haven't looked at the cost of a skein of the better acrylics, worse the other fibers, and don't have any idea how much yardage it takes to make that, not to mention, how many hours of work. They expect you to donate your labor free of charge, like they're doing you a favor to ask you to work for hours and hours, taking you away from other things, to make them something and make not one thin dime on it over the cost of yarn. And if you think of the best yarns, they want it for less than the actual cost of materials.

Same with fabric. I have a great source of quality cottons but most quilt shops charge $9-15/yd for those. It can cost well over $150 for fabric for one queen quilt. And I'm supposed to give my 200-300 hours of work away? That's really what they're asking you to do.

And while we're griping, why the heck does EVERYONE have a KING size bed??? Everybody who asks me to do a quilt seems to have one. I do NOT do king size, even if I did quilts on commission. My SIL asked about that. Little does she know that the cost would be about $600-700, even for family (no, especially for family, lol) I may make exceptions on rare occasion, but that is entirely my prerogative.
And while we're griping, why the heck does EVERYONE have a KING size bed??? Everybody who asks me to do a quilt seems to have one. I do NOT do king size, even if I did quilts on commission. My SIL asked about that. Little does she know that the cost would be about $600-700, even for family (no, especially for family, lol) I may make exceptions on rare occasion, but that is entirely my prerogative.

LOL.. we don't have a king sized bed, but the dogs are petitioning for one, they just haven't talked the cats into signing it!
Apparently, someone does have appreciation for fine hand quilting. Viki picked up the quilt today. She paid me double what I asked for.

I was floored! But she is over the moon and I saw a picture of her beautiful, feisty redheaded grandmother. I asked her to take a picture of her grandma with the quilt if she got a chance.
BTW, we have a king size bed. DH is 6'4 and 250 pounds+, with my 250 pounds it is necessary. He wanted me to make us a quilt. thankfully a friend purchased a king log cabin quilt set, used it for a month and didn't like it so gave it to us. Our spare is a queen and the second spare is a queen size futon. Of course, spare #3 is a full size futon. Boy, we gots lots of beds in this house, I hadn't thought about it before. Sleep must rate pretty high...
Hey, anyone want to help out with my next step on the medallion quilt I'm creating on an "as-you-go" design basis? I'm stumped on the framing border before I do the outer corner triangle pieces to square it back up. I have some fabrics folded around the edges of different colors, some I probably have enough to do a 1-2" border, some like the bright orange, I'd have to purchase since I have only a fat quarter.

I have an orange, a bright yellow print that has some subtle orange in it, a light blue, a medium blue ivy print that is in the quilt, an olive-y green also in the quilt and a black. What does your gut say? Or none of them? I think it needs a bright, either yellow or orange; the others seem too dull to frame this.

This chickenwire was bought for a chicken quilt, but it has the right color in it. And here's a close up of the bright yellow.

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I prefer the yellows.... I think the darker green or blue would just not give it an 'edge' look, though a pale blue that (sort of) matches the background on the bird panels may work. Of the 2 yellows you show I prefer the one with the smaller squiggles, it seems that the chicken wire pattern looks kind of too bold against the other patterns and the squiggly patterned one seems a bit brighter.

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