Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

I prefer the yellows.... I think the darker green or blue would just not give it an 'edge' look, though a pale blue that (sort of) matches the background on the bird panels may work. Of the 2 yellows you show I prefer the one with the smaller squiggles, it seems that the chicken wire pattern looks kind of too bold against the other patterns and the squiggly patterned one seems a bit brighter.

Thank you! My DH said he also likes that one. He didn't like the chicken wire print on this piece, either. He is an artist so I often get his opinion on color choices. Sometimes, he'll point out something I didn't consider and others, I just go with my gut and make an unusual choice, LOL. The squiggles are orange in the yellow fabric so it should subtly pick up the orange from the center.
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I like the orange. It seems to accent the other orange and perk up the quilt nicely.
I also liked the color content of the chicken wire, but the geometric of the print just seems off with all the prints going on.
I am not sure why I don't like the yellow fabric. For some reason, it just doesn't seem to be cohesive with the rest of the quilt, like the color was just pulled of the shelf and added to the quilt for no reason. It may just be the graphics/colors on my computer screen though.
Repeating that blue print just seems to make the quilt very flat, no punch, no pizazz. Same with the green.
I like the orange. It seems to accent the other orange and perk up the quilt nicely.
I also liked the color content of the chicken wire, but the geometric of the print just seems off with all the prints going on.
I am not sure why I don't like the yellow fabric. For some reason, it just doesn't seem to be cohesive with the rest of the quilt, like the color was just pulled of the shelf and added to the quilt for no reason. It may just be the graphics/colors on my computer screen though.
Repeating that blue print just seems to make the quilt very flat, no punch, no pizazz. Same with the green.

My gut said orange. I like the bright yellow, but I wish the orange squiggles showed more from a distance. DH said orange seemed the best choice, but if I didn't have it, the bright yellow was best out of what choices I had there. I agree about the chicken wire print-colors are right but the print itself isn't. I'm completely with you on the blue and green-they go with the other colors but don't give it the edging that medallion needs.

I put it aside yesterday in favor of working on my own bed quilt for a bit. I've started block #16 of the 35. I just need to work on it daily like I did Miss Lucille's quilt and maybe, just maybe, I'll get somewhere, LOL. DH has to go an hour south to his orthopedic surgeon and since we're going past a big Walmart, I may pop in there to see if they have any orange fabric. I just don't have enough here, rarely keep big amounts of those bright colors. I really am loving these rich oranges with turquoise blues, purples and greens, though, so I may search out more of them in the future.
Since we had to go into town today, I got more of the same fabric and voila! Now, to figure corner triangle areas. Two square blocks about 34.125", cut diagonally, will yield the proper size triangle pieces, but what blocks look good when cut in half? Maybe just 9 patch squares? Strips? Hmm, next decision....

Next step, the corner triangles to make it a square again. Math says I need two squares about 34", cut in half diagonally, to make the corner triangles. I started the squares and this is how they're looking, using that bright yellow. They're just folded under for the photo.

ETA: If anyone is buying from, a place I usually love and have great experiences with, check your yardage when you get it. My last order had two fabrics, supposed to be one yard each, cut to only 35". I was cutting for borders and accidentally found this out, pulled another one I hadn't cut on yet, also an inch short of a yard. I did contact them, received a reply, replied back and am waiting for the second reply. It seems a small thing, but if you are cutting it close (pardon the pun) on your fabric in a project, sometimes, every inch counts. I think someone is cutting on the wrong side of her straight edge there. No idea how many other yards I was shorted in the past, maybe none, never felt I had to check every yard I bought. Just a heads up to check your yardage. Could be someone isn't very bright at the company. A yardstick's width could be the issue.
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Almost done here. Have to cut the big squares diagonally and put on the corners to square up again, but they are finished and ready to cut.

And, cut, placed, ready to sew. If anyone at any time thinks he/she would like to have one of the quilt tops I make before I start on the quilting, I'll be glad to just price it for you. I don't necessarily want to immediately quilt every top I piece. It may be put aside for awhile.

Edited to Add, April 7:
Got the corners on today. Measures about 67" square. Have to decide if I want it larger, maybe a border then a pillow tuck area on it, but that will make it a full to queen size. No idea if or when I'd get it quilted.

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Almost done here. Have to cut the big squares diagonally and put on the corners to square up again, but they are finished and ready to cut.

And, cut, placed, ready to sew. If anyone at any time thinks he/she would like to have one of the quilt tops I make before I start on the quilting, I'll be glad to just price it for you. I don't necessarily want to immediately quilt every top I piece. It may be put aside for awhile.

Edited to Add, April 7:
Got the corners on today. Measures about 67" square. Have to decide if I want it larger, maybe a border then a pillow tuck area on it, but that will make it a full to queen size. No idea if or when I'd get it quilted.

what a beautiful top!!
You are always so sweet, thank you. I'm not sure what to do with it, to tell the truth. I may just find a final border fabric and be done with it, leave it a huge square.

I find that I have very little space to do larger quilts. My tiny 2nd bedroom/office is just not conducive to what I'd like to do with it, no room for an "L" shaped table set up, not with what's in there. It also has two doors, plus small closet and two windows, plus a huge outcropping box-like thing that makes head room for the basement stairs (there is no hallway in this house, no wasted space at all) that takes away floor space. Suffice it to say, it's a challenge to rearrange. I may be stuck with lap up to twin quilts and that's it. Just have to do what I can with what I have, I guess.

Right now, I'm binding my fall colors lap quilt. Finally got some brown fabric to make the binding.
You are always so sweet, thank you. I'm not sure what to do with it, to tell the truth. I may just find a final border fabric and be done with it, leave it a huge square.

I find that I have very little space to do larger quilts. My tiny 2nd bedroom/office is just not conducive to what I'd like to do with it, no room for an "L" shaped table set up, not with what's in there. It also has two doors, plus small closet and two windows, plus a huge outcropping box-like thing that makes head room for the basement stairs (there is no hallway in this house, no wasted space at all) that takes away floor space. Suffice it to say, it's a challenge to rearrange. I may be stuck with lap up to twin quilts and that's it. Just have to do what I can with what I have, I guess.

Right now, I'm binding my fall colors lap quilt. Finally got some brown fabric to make the binding.

I used my family room before I redid it. Before that I had a dedicated sewing room, which went to my daughter when she came home from college for a year. Now I have one 12' strip for my machine, fabrics, cutting mats and table, ironing board, and works in progress. I knew a professional quilter when I was in my teens. She had an entire floor of her house that she used as her quilting studio. It was amazing!! I'll never have that in my 3 bedroom ranch!!!

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