Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

Wow, that first one just keeps getting better and better the more there is of it! The other two are some pretty nice kits as well.

That is so nice of you to make quilts for those nice people. I bet they really appreciated them. My neighbor, who was the one who originally talked me into joining a local quilt club where I learned so much, had fallen ill and gave me a bunch of her fabric. In there was a quilt she had nearly gotten pieced. I finished it, and our other neighbor who also HAPPENS to have a large computerized free-arm quilt machine, quilted it, and we gave it to her. Sure did make her face light up. She keeps it across the back of her couch and snuggles in it every day.

On the original topic of this thread, it is so disheartening when people don't even appreciate the amount of time that goes into even the simplest gift! It's not whether or not you like it, it's the fact that someone thought enough of you to spend some of their time making you something. To me, it's love in a visible form. So my hat is off to you for your generosity!
I had never done a kit until a friend sent me a huge box of fabric and there were kits in it. I pieced this one, which another friend bought from me and quilted. It's called Posey Park and was HUGE!
I have the thimbleberries pansy park kit, that someone needed to rehome, I'm not sure it was ever out of the package. Your quilt is an inspriation to get mine started
@katsdar @speckledhen I like those blocks! That 3-D is really a cool look. I love effects like that when you simply use color in a clever way. I've always wanted to do an attic windows, but have not yet found the perfect fabric for it.

And thank you, speckledhen, I was really taken with that pattern and thought it would be a gorgeous quilt. So far I am impressed with the directions, they work, although of course you do have to read them. I must admit it sure saves time to use the kit; some of those pieces are tiny and it would have been difficult to cut them accurately.
I have yet to do the attic windows, maybe some day
I have the thimbleberries pansy park kit, that someone needed to rehome, I'm not sure it was ever out of the package. Your quilt is an inspriation to get mine started

Oh, crud, I did say the wrong name! Yes, it's Pansy, not Posey. The directions are good so you can do it, just be methodical. It's pretty much a king size quilt, I think, or a very large queen.
Sigh. This is the cabinet where I store my quilted and crocheted items from the Blue Roo Creations store. Most of the crocheted accessories are in Rubbermaid tubs under my sewing table, not here, so there's a LOT more I am having to store. Nothing sold during the holidays. Nothing. No one wants to buy anything handmade, I guess. I don't expect much of the crocheted stuff, but the quilts? I expected to sell at least one thing, no matter how small. I've made more stuff but it's being used around my house. So, eventually, I shall run out of room and have to start thinking of some way to store this collection...or begin giving it away.

and yet, here I am, about to quilt this large bed runner, 36x84. What I'm going to do with it, I haven't a clue. The cabinet is full.

It is beautiful! It is a shame nothing sold over the holidays, it is unfortunately true that few appreciate the homemade skill anymore. Wonder if there is a way to add a subtitle to your page that would make it show up on a general google search for 'hand made quilts' or something similar? Right now a google search brings up a bunch of box store retailers and some Etsy links....
It is beautiful! It is a shame nothing sold over the holidays, it is unfortunately true that few appreciate the homemade skill anymore. Wonder if there is a way to add a subtitle to your page that would make it show up on a general google search for 'hand made quilts' or something similar? Right now a google search brings up a bunch of box store retailers and some Etsy links....
Well, to be fair, at the moment, we have nothing in our Etsy due to the personal problems of my business partner who has the Paypal acct. I've had to accept only money orders for stuff and seems no one wants to send those and wait for their product. So, we advertise on FB only right now, plus I have quilts here in the classifieds. Hopefully, that will change in the future.

All of the quilts are beautiful!!
Thank you, JanetMarie! One of my sisters-in-law is named Janet, but Janet Leigh.
Enjoying this thread. Thank you for posting.
Working on so many projects in my retirement years.

Thank you for reading it. When I first began my quilting hobby back in the 80's, I had the vague notion that when we retired, I'd make and sell quilts. That really didn't work out so well. I have little need for hundreds of quilts for myself, one bed here, and no real place to store a lot of them. I have to do it but what to do with the finished product? I want to sell some just to pay for the cost of the fabric and thread, but not many buyers. Maybe we can get out Etsy shop back up and running when my business partner works out her issues. Maybe. If I had my own Paypal, I guess I could continue but DH won't open one and I am also hesitant to mess with it after hearing so many issues. And I don't want to get into a real official business with tax issues, etc, and complicate my life. So, I try to sell here on BYC and on the Facebook page for Blue Roo Creations. May lose that domain name this year. Can't keep paying for it if it just sits there being useless.

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