Guess the Sex!! ... Again....


Sep 15, 2015
I've had these chicks since day olds, they are now 4 weeks and of course I am bewildered by their genders. These are my first chicks, I have 3 Buff Orptingtons and what I was sold as 3 Ameraucanas? I've taken the best pics I can of them, feathering and combs.

BUFFY (BO): Very developed feathering, little comb no colour. Super friendly, runs up to you and loves to sit on your shoulder. (Praying a pullet because she is my favorite!)

STU (BO): Originally assumed a cockerel, slow to feather, little comb with no colour.

ARABELLA (BO): Very developed feathering. Big comb, no colour, waddles coming in very red.

TAZ (silver amer): Crazy, flaps wings and avoids you at all cost. Very developed feathering, largest of the 3. No opinion on comb.

BEEBOP (black amer): Doesn't like to be handled. Slower to develop feathers. No opinion on comb.

ANNIE (brown red amer): Friendlier than the other 2 Ameraucanas. More developed feathering but not as fast as Taz. Comb looks to have 3 rows but also maybe showing signs of red?

Who has the longest tails and biggest, reddest combs? Who struts around? Who stands really tall and watched over the rest? If one of the chicks has most of these characteristics then I would say a roo.

C̶a̶n̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶T̶a̶z̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶S̶p̶a̶z̶?̶
None seem to strut or watch over anyone else. Annie and Stu stand up tall when I come in the room and make a loud noise, Taz is just taller then the rest, and Arabella definitely has the biggest (although not red yet) comb. This is the frustrating part, all show 1 sign of being a male lol!
STU the one with the least developed feathers of the Buff Orpingtons has slightly darker feathers. Just barely.

Here they are at week 5! I didn't noticed they'd changed so much just from looking at them!
I think Annie is going to be an Eddie. She looks like she has 3 rows of combs and they are turning red. Beebop and Taz don't have anything distinctive going on in their combs and all three ameraucanas have the same tails.
Buffy I think is definitely a pullet and Stu and Arabella still confuse me. Stu is still behind of feathering but Arabella has a lot of red in her and a big comb.

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