Guinea eggs not hatching?


11 Years
Apr 19, 2008
Bedias, TX
I have 14 guinea eggs in my Brisnea ECO 20, and its like day 30-31 now. And no pips.

No issues with the incubation, it may have run a little low at night (98-99 degrees). The eggs feel very heavy, like they have keets in them. I haven't been able to really candle them, not a strong enough light available.

Do you think they're dead?
Take them into a quiet room and hold them one at a time to your ear. If you don't hear anything right away, gently tap on the eggs with your finger.

In my experience you can hear the keets beaks scratching against the shell before they pip. (Could even be 2-3 days before they pip)

Do you have any kind of flash light at all? If you've not done a candle throughout the whole incubation, you can at least tell which eggs did not develop with a normal flashlight. Take them into a dark room and hold them to the light. Remove the eggs which are clear.

Good luck and I really hope some of them hatch for you!
I have candled on and off with my flashlight, which is just strong enough to show that none of the eggs are clear. Can't see much else.

Tried the listening, couldn't hear anything from any of the eggs I tried.

Frustrating, because I've had horrible luck after horrible luck incubating. One thing after another. And then I finally have an incubation period where NOTHING goes wrong, and none of the eggs have hatched?

I hate to say it but I don't think they are going to hatch. They are supposed to hatch in 28 days. You kept them in there for 3 days after the due hatch. I usually keep mine for 2 days after the expected hatch date. But the chance that they usually hatch is usually not too good. But I would have to say it has been to long now and they aren't going to hatch. Sorry, Hope you have better luck next time. I use a hova bator for all of my hatches. Not the best but it works for me. I wouldn't even know how to operate the one you have.
Anyone ever figure out what was up with the Guinea Fowl eggs? None of our guinea eggs are fertile. I read one reference in another message string where someone said if the male and female are together all the time the male won't breed the female unless she asks. We have never seen our two males breed either of our females and never had a fertile egg either. Hmm?
Before you incubate again I think I'd invest in cheap candler from amazon...I think I paid $12 for mine and it's been worth every penny! I have several batches of chicks and even one duck (accident) and 2 turkeys from my incubator.
On another note...this is my first time successfully incubating guinea eggs. I'm at 27 days and I can here pipping but no one seems to be making much progress. My eggs are so hard, has anyone ever had to help guinea keets with these hard eggshells?

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