Guinea Keets Coming Soon...Have Arrived!

Thanks for the pics! Yes, they are in that teenager phase and I love it! :)

We have the same waterer!

I bet they really enjoyed getting their feet in the grass.
They went nuts! I used to give them grass and weeds in their brooder on occasion, but this was an all you can eat buffet. I am so happy they get to experience grass and dirt and open air and bugs now. Whenever I let them be for a few hours I would come back and the chicks were outside and the guineas were in the coop. I need to put some roosts in the run, I think.
Free Ranging Diaries: Day 4

Just when I think the guineas have nothing left in their arsineal, here they go surprising me once again.

Today was overcast and raining until about 4 pm when it turned beautiful and sunny. I open the bird door as usual and the gang hops out one by one. They peck around and I go about my business. They work their way around the yard, and I see them head out the driveway, but pretty soon they are back in the yard pecking around by the coop.

Around 11:30 am I see everyone is back in the coop! Why? Yes, it's getting dark and rain is on its way, but I have seen them hang in bushes while it rains. It rains on and off for the next 4.5 hours and the birds stay in the coop. Once the sun comes out my kids head out to the yard and the birds come out and squawk at them outside the play yard fence.

So was I surprised to see them filing back into the coop at 6 pm!

What is with these birds? Yesterday I thought they had walked to the next county and today they barely left the coop!

In other news, my kids and I had the big talk and Big Fat Rooster will be going to live on a farm that needs a new rooster (this is for real!). He's been having too much fun mounting the guinea girls.
Hi there! Please pardon this brief interruption.

Please don't forget...deadline for "other poultry" calendar picture submissions is tomorrow.
(see link in my signature line & feel free to share!)
Free Range Diaries: Day 5

Nothing to report!

Let the birds out around 7 am. Saw them on my side of the road briefly. Then they spent the rest of the day working around the coop or in the yard. Everyone was roosting happily when I went out to shut the bird door at 7:30 pm.
I like when everyone puts themselves to bed. Two nights in a row my birds have done well in that aspect. Your birds give me hope that I won't have frustrating evenings of trying to round up birds at bedtime once they start free ranging!
I thought I would be running around rounding them up, too. But somehow their bird brains seem to know when to go to bed.

These past two days they have been in and out of the coop. Yesterday they spent the whole afternoon in the coop only coming out around 4 pm.

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