Guinea Male harassing my chicken hens!

This thread is interesting! My male guinea really chases my RIR bantam too. It's horrible too since she's one of the only hens laying right now. He's started in on my big Golden Laced Cochin too, and occassionally, my speckled sussex. He never bothers by Black Star though, and I'm not sure why not. Could it be that the red color gets them going? My black Cochin bantam rooster does nothing, of course.. he's busy kissing up and trying to feed the guineas. uh! I'm thinking of turning the guineas loose in the yard so the hens are safe in their little yard.
RIRs seem to be a common target for Guineas. Could be color related, or it could be the temperament or even body language of the individual birds that make them targets. It's anyone's guess.

You could pen/cage that male Guinea up for a while (at least a week) by himself and see if that helps curb his aggression. If it doesn't help, then he may need to be re-homed.

If the pen is not covered, the Guineas will most likely just fly back in, and continue to harass your chickens.

One other thing to think about is that even tho they are happier free ranging, Guineas that aren't used to free ranging are extra vulnerable to being taken by predators, especially at night.

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