Guinea mating question.

How old are they when they begin mating/laying eggs? Mine are approx 24 weeks old...should I be watching for eggs?

I haven't seen mine mating... But I can't watch 24/7.... We've had the usual crazy South Arkansas weather... But the eggs are tasty!
Just in case anyone gets their shorts in a bunch... When I find the eggs, they're already colder than refrigerated....
Wow, mine are almost a year and still not seen a single egg. Lots of hanky panky going on and LOTS of sitting in the nests (even the chicken nest boxes!) - but no eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️
Wow, mine are almost a year and still not seen a single egg. Lots of hanky panky going on and LOTS of sitting in the nests (even the chicken nest boxes!) - but no eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️
Where are you located? They are seasonal layers so the latitude matters. Sounds like they are gearing up though!

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