Guinea talk.

I had a horrible morning today. I went into the coop to let them out, and immediately smelled smoke. The adults knocked the keets heat lamp over and started the brooder box on fire. All ten keets were dead. :hit:hit:(:( The adults are okay, but they breathed in a lot of smoke, and they sound funny. I'm keeping a close eye on them. Also a bald eagle and a hawk were circling the yard. They flew off, but I'm on lookout for them.
I had a horrible morning today. I went into the coop to let them out, and immediately smelled smoke. The adults knocked the keets heat lamp over and started the brooder box on fire. All ten keets were dead. :hit:hit:(:( The adults are okay, but they breathed in a lot of smoke, and they sound funny. I'm keeping a close eye on them. Also a bald eagle and a hawk were circling the yard. They flew off, but I'm on lookout for them.
Im so sorry to hear about your loss! That's really hard to lose that many little ones in such a way! Hope the adults all continue to be ok. Let us know how it goes!
Awww...the pics of him and his chicken hen are so sweet! (He almost looks like a pied with that white feathered area near his wings). Did you say that he is 10 years old? If so, that's impressive! You've taken great care of him and should give yourself a big pat on the back for getting him to that age!
Thanks for sharing the great pictures!

Thank you so much!! That is all very nice of you to say! :)

I bought him and his original siblings as pied, for awhile I assumed he was a pied too. He is very mysterious!! :D

-The Angry Hen (Please call me K if you would like!)
I had a horrible morning today. I went into the coop to let them out, and immediately smelled smoke. The adults knocked the keets heat lamp over and started the brooder box on fire. All ten keets were dead. :hit:hit:(:( The adults are okay, but they breathed in a lot of smoke, and they sound funny. I'm keeping a close eye on them. Also a bald eagle and a hawk were circling the yard. They flew off, but I'm on lookout for them.

So sorry to hear that, your older ones are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry for your loss. :hugs

-The Angry Hen
Thank you. It's pretty hard to lose all of them. I am going to switch over to Brinsea eco brooder lights so I don't have to worry about fires again.
My very first guineas were 6 keets that I got from a feed store. One day, I didn't close the door to the brooder well enough and a dog got in and killed all of them. I eventually got more and was pretty lucky with keets until last year when 2 of my hens hatched 18 keets. When they were about two weeks old, they were out free ranging in the yard. A coyote came into the yard in the middle of the day and before I could get out there, it had killed 9 of the 18 keets. I felt just sick about it both times and kicked myself for not watching them better and taking more precautions but It's difficult to foresee or prevent anything and everything from happening to them. I don't think it ever gets any easier to deal with the loss, no matter how many you have or how long you have them!
Thank you so much!! That is all very nice of you to say! :)

I bought him and his original siblings as pied, for awhile I assumed he was a pied too. He is very mysterious!! :D

-The Angry Hen (Please call me K if you would like!)
Hi K,
I had a male last year that looked very similar but pearl gray. I called him "pied wanna-be".
It's awesome that your guinea and hen are so definitely don't see that happen too often with chickens and guineas!
Glad you joined the thread...everyone on here is very nice! I've enjoyed my time on here and hope you do too!
Hi K,
I had a male last year that looked very similar but pearl gray. I called him "pied wanna-be".
It's awesome that your guinea and hen are so definitely don't see that happen too often with chickens and guineas!
Glad you joined the thread...everyone on here is very nice! I've enjoyed my time on here and hope you do too!

Hello Rhea,

That sounds cute! Thank you, I am very happy they get along wonderful. Every time I let him outside, she has to come too!

Yes, I can tell! You are all wonderful folks. Thank you for welcoming me! :D

My nine guineas are growing their helmets!
I don't know, should I call them guineas or keets?:confused:
I guess I should say guineas cause they've got their spotted feathers. But they are still
kind of small.:)
My nine guineas are growing their helmets!
I don't know, should I call them guineas or keets?:confused:
I guess I should say guineas cause they've got their spotted feathers. But they are still
kind of small.:)

Hello! Welcome to the forum. I recently joined myself. Hm, I would probably call them Guinea's... I guess it all depends what they have developed!

How many do you have? :D

I was just looking through my files and found this photo of my late Guinea, Stretch. I think he was a brown Guinea. Boy he was a fighter, he was my favorite. :)


Him acting all big and fierce guarding the barn! :lol:


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