guineas and cold weather


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 8, 2014
I know they don't like snow but my hilarious 6 would not get off their roost today. Not even for a favorite food. They went crazy but would not step foot in the snow. They did come down for regular dinner and then went immediately back up. I don't think they drank any water today. How well do they do in a barn or coop? They can't be happy sitting up there all day with no water or food.
I'm in northern Mn and it is 2 degrees F. My 5 usually spend their evening in a fenced 15 by 15 xog kennel n then roam all day, but I had to move their food n water to a place I noticed they go when its snowing n blowing. They took to it great, no probs, tho last night they decided to roost way up high in a mature oak n wouldn't come down for nothing! Just cooed at me n it waS cold, 15-25 below wind chills! I was so worried but they were fine this morning, no guinea Popsicles!! They didn't come down mind u until noonish!! They were afraid of the height ( born mid June so full size but babies yet). They don't have probs w snow surprisingly either! I did put a heat light in there n also a huge tarp to protect them in their part of the garage they r staying in.anyway, sry long winded! Just love the hilariously strange birds!!!!
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I have to say how excited I am!! We had a very unexpected week, with 3 of our guineas being lost to unseen predators. My chickens & ducks are without injury, as usual, so it was a complete blow to our security to lose both our boys and one big female so quickly. However, at my father-in-law's suggestion, I put my remaining 2 guineas in with my chickens & ducks two days ago. I was so happy to see that not only did they adapt well to enclosed barn living, but they even stay in the yard when I let the flock out during the day!! They don't even try to get away when I herd everybody into the barn at dusk!! Seeing the guineas at the center of my hen-herd this afternoon, just made my heart sing. They've been accepted by my birds, and they don't question their new flock. I only wish I hadn't been such a novice last week.
2 degrees!? Heck and I've been worried about ours in 20 degree weather, haha!
Mine refuse to roost when it is cold, they instead huddle together behind some holly bushes that we have lining our home in the back yard... crazy birds
When they came down for dinner they made a run for the chicken coop. I am going to see if i can get them into the barn. Scared they might fight with the chickens.
i have 10 of them! mine are actually okay with snow. mine stay in the barn amd in their flock one never leaves eachother. Its totally fine if they dont come down right away for their food. in the winter they become a little more on edge just like all other fowl. in the winter many predators cant find food sources and they have to kinda look out for predators. i leave my food on a high rest place and mine like to wait til nothing is around and will hop down and eat. they will eat no matter what they will even dig up little bugs out of the ground. dont worry about them instincts will kick in and will be okay
It's been cold here, around 15. I have 2 heat lamps above my guineas roost. Thing is, they wont roost if they are on. The only one I see roosting is my young guinea. I don't want them to freeze but it seems they don't like those lamps or is it because laying in the straw is warmer?
they are probably doing the same thing as mine in the straw. do you see them kind of scratching the straw around and laying in the holes they dug or piling up on eachother? they would do that if they are in big flocks like that. the feathers they also have may look thin but thats what kept them warm in the winters where theycame from. they will puff up sometimes to make body heat for themselves
I don't know if they are digging before laying in straw. I just look in and they are laying in there on straw but not on each other. I have 7 and 2 are kinda outcast but try to stick with the others but from a distance. This is my first year with the guineas so all this new to me.
yea like i said before nothing to worry about. these are kinda weird little birds and they do soo many weird things but dont be concerned by the sounds of it they seem just right! and its good that there are 2 outcasts. if one would be excluded without another it would probably die. these birds need another bird with them to feel secure or else they kinda lose it

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