Gun legislation- anyone heard about this?

Yeah, and each chicken will have to be registered with the government!!

I wonder if we will be able to get a concealed carry permit to walk around with a mean rooster under our jacket for self defence.
Yeah, and each chicken will have to be registered with the government!!

I wonder if we will be able to get a concealed carry permit to walk around with a mean rooster under our jacket for self defence.

Most likely we will be required to have one!
I wonder if the people of Great Britian and Australia thought they would ever really lose their right to protect themselves with a legally owned gun?

All of our guns were lost in a fishing accident. The boat turned over while we were fishing in one of the Great Lakes and they were all lost.
Devil('s advocate) made me do it: But what if it's in mine?

Then I suggest you get your own gun to defend yourself.

Nope - because as much as it's my right to own a gun, it's also my right to decide that no gun shall ever come on my property. I don't like them but I don't oppose others owning them legally. I won't allow one in my house. If someone is packing heat and comes to visit me, they can leave their gun in their car or not come into my house. My cats and chickens may steal your food, but a gun is not needed in my home.

I wouldn't allow my own mother to smoke on my property, either. Made her go the city-owned sidewalk to smoke. Just because it's a constitutional right doesn't mean I have to endorse it.

If I were a hunter or lived with one, I would have guns and permit them on my property. But that's another thread.
Hopefully they realize we have too many important issues to fool with this silly bill.

maybe they know whats coming down the pike.

I have been thinking of getting a gun since the economy began tanking.
They have already cut the police force in my city. And more are coming. Crime has already jumped. Yup. I see a gun in my future
I don't have the time to read this entire thread, although I desperately want to, but I thought it should be made known that if you can find the real bill (there are many fake ones out there in internet land) it also says that guns would have to be kept in an arsenal. This means that your guns would be taken away from you so that law abiding citizens cannot protect themselves, or their family, or provide food for their family. When guns are taken away from us, we are the ones being treated like criminals.

Over 21 states are in the process of declaring sovreignity over the federal government. I haven't seen much of this in the news media-they seem to like to hide these little newsworthy issues, but these states are definitely doing it and several have already completed the process!!!

In the military, there have been special meetings about whether they will uphold the constitution, which they took an oath to uphold, and it's allowment of guns, or whether they will obey their Commander-in-chief/passing of the bill about this issue. In the few posts that I had time to read, I don't think that people are aware of the seriousness of this situation. I would suggest that those who are sceptical about this get your history books out and read what took place in the halocaust.

I hope everyone on this thread will take a little bit of time and study this whole issue out. The more freedoms we lose, the more we are enslaved.

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