

5 Years
Nov 20, 2014
The county that I live in just confirmed a case of H5N2 in a commercial flock of 200,000. I have two large chicken farms within a couple mile of me. Should I be concerned? Should I call the state ag place to see if it's one of those farms? They don't say what farm it is. Just that it was found in my county.
No, I don't free range them. I have lots of geese, cranes, and sea gulls that fly over the house. Maybe I'm being a little paranoid. I just don't want my chickens to get sick.
I totally understand, I'd be the same way! Not free ranging is smart. You can't completely seal off your flock, but I would limit outside visitors or use a light bleach bath for shoes. Same goes for you, I have a dedicated pair of "chicken boots" that I only wear around my coops. I've seen how devestating outside illnesses can be, I never want to have to go through that.
Don't be surprised if you are contacted by the state about getting your flock tested. They are pretty serious about squashing this and making sure it doesn't become epidemic.
There is a member on the Wisconsin thread that posted that the state contacted them about testing their flock.
Good luck and may you have healthy birds!
That sounds like that turkey avian flu. I may be wrong but I don’t think that strain affects chickens. When it is found in a state many countries stop shipment of poultry, costing the farmers a lot of money due to lost exports. That affects our national balance of payments. It can be big money and pretty serious. Some countries like Russia and China use it for political purposes.

There is a certain protocol officials have to go through before exports can begin again. I’m not sure how it works with turkey avian flu, but with chickens that normally involves inspecting every flock in a 7 mile (10 kilometer) radius. If the flocks are disease free then exports can begin again after a certain waiting period, but the sick flock is destroyed. If more flu is found the 7 mile radius just got bigger.

It sounds like you are doing about what you need to. Wild birds are the biggest risk of spreading it and right now they are migrating, covering large areas. It’s a mess.
Can I ask how the H5N2 is transmitted. Does the flock have to be all destroyed or is there medication?

I guess if were me I would keep my flock away from the wind coming from that direction, and not let them when it rains.

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