Had to bury my first chicken last night


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
She was a little Wellsummer, about 12 weeks old, and something got in through tiny hardware cloth and ripped her head off???
Doesn't seem to be any damage to her two sisters. I'm a bit flumuxed as to what might have happened. I've had birds free ranging in my fenced yard for over a year now, and except for a Red Tail hanging out at one point, I haven't had any problems with predators (hawks can't get a good dive in, so can't hunt - too much tree cover in my yard). The Wellsummers are actually still confined to a smaller coop and run that is completely enclosed, and (I thought) safer than the "big" birds, who free range all day and then put themselves to bed at night (coop is closed at night).

Anyway, although we had chickens growing up, I never much thought of them as pets - they were just one of my chores.
I came to have mine by accident - the first three were part of a pre-school spring science project - my cousin hatched 12, intending to keep them, then was told she couldn't keep chickens where she lives (50 acres, but it is leased from the Army Corps of Engineers, who don't want "livestock" on their property
). Long story short, I started with three of hers (2 roos and a hen, all different breeds and personalities) and now have 8. And I love each one - sure, the original 3 have a special place in my heart, but each has their own personality, and they are the best medicine in the world after a long work week. Sorry - just wanted to get this off my chest. I feel badly for having failed Sophia (Loren - she and her two sisters - Elizabeth Taylor and Princess Grace- are named after screen starlets, since Wellsummer chicks look like they are wearing sumptuous fur coats when they are little). Thanks for letting me.
So very sorry for your loss.
It might have been a weasel. They're very good at getting in through very small openings and the darned things delight in killing for the sheer pleasure of it. I lost an entire flock of 10 banty pullets one night when I was about 7 years old. Papa had said it was likely a weasel. Then, about 10 years later, Dad and I lost 13 pigeons in one night to another weasel. I hate weasels!

Check your coop and run really well. They can get through the smallest of openings. Even right through something the size of "chicken wire" mesh. Again, I'm so sorry for you loss. I hope it doesn't happen again!

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