I'm new here to BYC. My name is Kayla and I'm a hatch-a-holic. I actually joined BYC because of this hatch-a-long!! Such an exciting idea!

So, for this Halloween Hatch, I set 12 (SHIPPED) Crele Orpington eggs yesterday - 10/10/18 @ 8 pm.

Sending everyone hugs and positive vibes on this fun journey.

Candled again lastnight. One egg had a question mark from last candling because it's air cell never made a solid connection - into the bin it went.

So, now, we have 9 crele orpington eggs left with lots of growth and veins.

At lunch i have Golden Cuckoo Marans and Silver Laced Orpington From Papas Poultry going into lockdown.

Sending out some growing vibes and love.
Have to try my eggs again tonight have not been able to see into them so far
all blue or green but the broke one 4 days ago was like you put in a skillet boohoo.gif

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