Hands on hatching and help

It didn't quote you for some reason (I thought it only did that to Amy..lol) but I was going to say that I love having vetericyn spray on hand!! It's great!

I guess the system doesn't like my posts today lol. I happened to have the Vetracin on hand from using it on my dog's ears and it healed my hen's wounds up beautifully. I was amazed!

Thanks so much. I afraid to check on her today.

:hugs I hope she's ok this morning. :fl
Good morning! I had my first hatch ever this weekend and I loved every minute of it. I had 3/5 eggs hatch (I'm pretty sure the 5th egg hasn't been viable since the day of "lockdown" but it's a dark shell and I wasn't positive so I didn't want to toss it if it was still good) 2 are great and in the brooder, the third didn't make it :( it died while hatching. Now I have one left that's still wiggling around in there even though today's the third day past their due date!? The last one didn't start zipping till Saturday afternoon but all 3 had pipped by Friday morning and this one hasn't even pipped yet! Anyone else have stragglers? I'm really rooting for this chick to make it! I just sit and stare at it wiggling around in the incubator lol
Good morning! I had my first hatch ever this weekend and I loved every minute of it. I had 3/5 eggs hatch (I'm pretty sure the 5th egg hasn't been viable since the day of "lockdown" but it's a dark shell and I wasn't positive so I didn't want to toss it if it was still good) 2 are great and in the brooder, the third didn't make it :( it died while hatching. Now I have one left that's still wiggling around in there even though today's the third day past their due date!? The last one didn't start zipping till Saturday afternoon but all 3 had pipped by Friday morning and this one hasn't even pipped yet! Anyone else have stragglers? I'm really rooting for this chick to make it! I just sit and stare at it wiggling around in the incubator lol
Has it internally pipped?
A few of my 2-week old Seramas
They are looking good! So big already. What colors are they? What colors do seramas come in?
Yeah, that's not normal. How were your temps through incubation?
The temps were consistent at 100-101. The temp would drop when we took them out to candle, but it was back up to temperature in minutes. I'm worried because I have another batch going, but these are from different chickens. I want to make sure it's not something I did!
My rosecomb was attacked and scalped by another hen. She is hardly moving and won't drink or eat. Sigh. Tears....

I blue coated her and separated her and she seems comfy but won't move either. So sad.

My young roo attatcked my SPitzhauben roo and scalped him good. I separated him, put the blue coat on him and was very afraid the first 24 hours if he'd make it do to the shock. He didn't move much and of course wasn't interested in eating/drinking. Within 24 hours he was breathing normally, eating and drinking and looking so much better. Within 48 hours his head had scabbed over and he wanted out of that pen!! lol So hopefully yours will be ok. I also had the same thing happen to my first roo, Peep. He was special needs and when the young roos hit puberty decided that they were going to show him who was boss. He too recovered from the injuries physically. Not so much emotionally.

Quote: Sounds like infection.

I'm so glad you are happy with them!
Of course, I knew I would be......lol

I feel so much better now...except I don't remember what you said that I quoted....lol

It didn't quote you for some reason (I thought it only did that to Amy..lol) but I was going to say that I love having vetericyn spray on hand!! It's great!

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