Hands on hatching and help

That is probably my answer!!!! I did start counting day one as set day. That's a relief, glad it was something so simple - it usually is. So today or tomorrow even would be a more reasonable time to expect a baby. Thank you too for explaining the reasoning instead of just don't do it. I wouldn't have if it that was what was recommended but having the reasoning behind it makes the whole process more understandable and make sense. I read and read and read on these forums and learn so much but there is still so much more to learn!!

Again Thanks for explaining the reasoning and not just saying don't do it. I really appreciate that.

We sit and stare at them for minutes at a time watching and waiting for an egg movement. We get so excited when we see a movement and have daddy come look but of course it stops and he isn't patient/interested enough YET to keep watching forever. It's like being pregnant and having him put his hand on my belly and they stop.....

I DID finally get him interested enough after 3 months to make me another coop. YAY!!! He kept watching me and my 5 year olds efforts and telling us how cute we were. LOL (We turned the bottom part of her outdoor playhouse/slide into 3 small coops.)

I believe half of becoming a successful hatcher is understanding why we "do" or "don't" do things. I believe it also gives the hatcher a point of reference to decide for themselves whether the risks are worth it. I don't like being told to do or not do something without a good reason.

Glad to hear you have an extra day to get worried...lol It doesn't do any good for anyone to say don't worry yet- cause you are going to regardless...lol

How would I tell if there is an internal pip? (Thankfully info I don't need just yet - but for future references)
If you hear cheeping from inside the egg, that indicates that the chick is up in the air cell. If you candle and you see a shadow up in the air cell, usually triangular in shape, because it's the beak, that's a visual on the internal pip.
Shucks where's that really good pic someone showed an example of an internal pip?, it was so good seen it somewhere in last month or so...
Okay. I made the hole slightly wider to check that the veins had dried up but there was a little bleeding. So I stopped. I will try again in a little while. Thank you for the advice!!

Good job! Knew there'd be some great guidance here for ya! :D

I have a good pic of drawdown, but I believe @RavynFallen has a great internal pip pic.

Have to switch to mobile... will post it in a min... ;)

Internal pip of a Call duck egg...
My second batch of chicks just started hatching. This guy seems to be attached to the shell still by an umbilical cord and is stuck dragging the shell. What should I do?


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