Hands on hatching and help

They are beautiful birds from @RubyNala97
 's birds.  10 weeks now.  And while you are hanging around I have a meds question for you ma'am.  What do you know about calcium drench? It's originally for goats, but can it be used for chickens in cases of egg bound?  I had what I could only conclude an egg bound hen and went to TSC to see about getting the liquid calcium that is recommended and all they had was different type of calcium for IV and this calcium drench for goats. Kinda sounded like nutri drench with calcium??

They are. I've been taking them out to the temporary pen during the day while waiting to get the smaller coop cleared out, but now they have coop and a big ole run.

Oh I'm sure they are happy. The cutest thing I've ever seen is a silkie taking a dirt bath lol. :)
Oh I'm sure they are happy. The cutest thing I've ever seen is a silkie taking a dirt bath lol.
Until they get up and they are supposed to be white and have turned brown...lol
The one I use is the 23% injectable and I give it orally or subcutaneously. I just looked at the goat drench, and it looks like maybe it could be used, though I would want to research it a little before I used it.



Ok, thanks. Was wondering. The assistant manager was trying to get me to get sav a chick probiotic. Or multi vitamins. All I wanted was the liquid calcium.
Amy - your silkies are so adorable! And congrats on your surprise chicks! I'm sorry you may have to cull one, that's never easy.
Sorry I haven't been posting much, been recovering from a minor surgery. But I wanted to thank you all for your excellent advice. We are in the midst of our second hatch and it is going great, thanks to tips from all of you. 11 of 22 eggs made it to lockdown, and so far all but 1 egg have hatched.

Here are the first 7 in the brooder:



And these three are still drying in the incubator:



That last one had trouble getting out and was bleeding a little. Now it's laying on its side and its legs are shaking, so I'm not sure how it'll do.

But overall this hatch has been a breeze and the first 7 are already eating and running around. Thank you all so much for your help and advice!

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