Hanging Cabbage & other treats


9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
Lafayette, Indiana
So, with all the hanging cabbages pictured and mentioned here, Hubby and I decided to put one up. The girls love it! So funny to watch them rip off little bits. What other affordable entertainment/treats do you give them? We have been giving them warm oatmeal with scraps in the AM and usually some other type of treat in the PM, but it seems to be apple cores or squash seeds... sometimes popcorn.

Our new pullets are really small. Our two new EEs are so much smaller than their hatch sisters that we got in September - and also aren't laying (and ours were/are) the EEs were hatched March 26 - so they are 9 months old. Their combs aren't red like Martha and Georgia's, they don't squat, and they are just skinny... I think I need to fatten them up. Can I mix birdseed in with some kind of fat, like turkey fat, vegetable shortening, or lard? Like suet? I'm thinking that at their former home they had to fight to get to the food or something, because when I got the first two sisters they were all the same size... now the ones that stayed (that I just bought) didn't mature... I'm thinking that our three new Marans are in the same boat, also very small for their age. They are pets with benefits (ie egg only birds) so I want them happy and healthy, not just putting on meat pounds.
My EE's, hatched mid-April began laying in September, but stopped laying about the time daylight savings time switched over. Something about the short days, whatever. Mine are skinny girls too. They eat as much as my barred rock and my brahma, they're just skinny. I do mix their feed in bacon grease and cream cheese and anything else I think will ut some meat on their bones. Don't be surprised, though, if they don't lay until the days get longer.

I like the shot of them all lined up. How do you hang your cabbage> I saw a frame recently for hanging it, which looks a lot easier than somehow tying it up.


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