Hardware Cloth Vs. Chicken Wire


Jul 8, 2021
Central NJ
I’ve used both, hardware cloth and chicken wire. We currently have chicken wire on our run and we’ve had no problems with predators….

However, I’m in the process of building a new coop and it’s in more of a wooded area. The Coop is secure, I used hardware cloth for the skirt, doors and windows have locks, with an automated pop door that’ll be closed at night. Run will also have a skirt on it. I’m just really confused on why people say not to use chicken wire on the run, and that animals can “chew” through it.
My dogs would definitely chew through chicken wire. One of our previous dogs did it to chain link!

If they can get their nose through the opening my experience says they will bite and rip at it until they get a hole.

My current run has chain link covered in chicken wire. My dogs are not allowed in that area of the yard at all. Additional fencing keeps them out.
I do have some 2’ high chicken wire attached along the bottom of a run which already has 2X3 wire mesh. This is to keep baby chicks from walking thru the larger mesh. It also serves as skirting, as it’s easy to bend. 2D01E134-DF3A-4A41-AE7E-C57F60E7042D.jpeg
I have read here that raccoons will reach through the chicken wire to grab a chicken, then try to pull it through. I don't ever want to find the results of that in my run so I bit the bullet and bought hardware cloth to protect my chicks.
I’ve heard that, but really how often do you see a raccoon out during the day? I would understand at night, but then the chickens will be locked in
I’ve heard that, but really how often do you see a raccoon out during the day? I would understand at night, but then the chickens will be locked in
They are predators of opportunity. We have raccoons, opossums, foxes, coyotes, feral cats and loose dogs here, most of which are around during daylight hours. We also have snakes, which can easily fit through a 1" opening.

I paid the extra money for hardware cloth as I'm not willing to take a chance with my birds.
Coyotes tore through my aunts chicken wire like tissue paper in just a couple of minutes (edit: I wanted to add that she didn’t have any issues for 4 years before that happened, it’s not a matter of if but when) Coyotes are definitely not only seen at night. I had them come up to my run in the middle of the day but they couldn’t get in because it is covered in 1/2” hardware cloth. I’ve also seen things where raccoons (yes I have seen them out in the day too), and hawks have grabbed chickens heads through chicken wire fencing. I’m just not willing to risk that. Just one loose dog that stumbles onto your run covered only in chicken wire can decimate a flock. If you do opt for only chicken wire (still don’t personally recommend), a good idea would be to place hot wire around it, however that wouldn’t stop snakes if you have them around
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