Has any tried the "Farm Innovators Heated 2 Gal Poultry Drinker"

Well I could not get my chickens, to drink at all from the horizontal nibble heated water bucket at all. I showed them many times during the day, but they just didn't get it, so I put a bowl of water in the run and they would drink like they just crossed the Mojave Dessert....:lau

So I took the heated water buckets back and got heated dog bowls, my chickens are very happy now:wee

After watching the movie Moana, I was a bit upset about how the chicken was portrayed....but now I'm wondering if they were right on the mark, since my chickies could not even figure out the horizontal nipple water system...:p
I had the same issue with the nipple system, I liked the idea so I tried the cups. Filled the cups up once with my finger and let them figure it out in which they did rather quickly. I won't ever use the nipples again, glad I monitored them for a day because some had severe signs of over heating with nipples. No such issues with the cup. Side note, can the nipples be removed from that model??
I have the 3 gallon water heater as mentioned in other posts. No problems with it -except for the chickens kicking dirt into it. I can see if you don’t put the lid back on correctly how water can spill out (as mentioned in the reviews). I give it a tug after screwing it on to make sure it’s attatched. Also, if it isn’t on a level surface it will flow out. Ask me how I know. :lau

I’m thinking of trying heated dog bowls. Because this 3 gallon watered is overkill for my 4 chickens. Lol
I know one person on here puts a gallon jug of water in the center of their dog bowl to keep it weighted and create a moat so that the chickens cannot roost on it or tip it over.
Chullicken-I'm not sure if the nipples can be removed or not. That sounds like a great idea for the summer, but I am concerned that the water would freeze in the cups during the winter.
This is what I am doing. I just put the bowl in the coop with a big bottle in the middle with salt water (No, salt water can not get into dog bowl, just in the bottle) to make a moat. Bottle has the salt water because I am not plugging it in just yet. So I am trying the 'it won't freeze' thing to see if it works.
Will get to 25 degrees or something tonight so I want to see if it works.
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I think so, it was not frozen or crusty when I went out later in the morning.

I don't think it will hold off 20 degrees for a long period of time.

Our forecast has been very mild (40-53) this week.

It's still a good idea though. The bottle is adding thermomass but it's also adding more surface area. If you can insulate the top half of the bottle, as far down as the top of the water dish, I think it could hold up pretty well.
I thought about that, insulating all around bowl. But I am afraid that the hens will peck at it and not sure what to cover it with.

It flurried here a bit this morning as there are some snow dust on my car windshield. Wish I had set the heat before I got out last night so pre-heat will work better :rant
I thought about that, insulating all around bowl. But I am afraid that the hens will peck at it and not sure what to cover it with.

It flurried here a bit this morning as there are some snow dust on my car windshield. Wish I had set the heat before I got out last night so pre-heat will work better :rant
They'l definitely try eating it insulation. Last years waterer was wrapped in fiberglass insulation and on the outside of that was wrapped in this to stop them from eating it.
I used stuff I already had.

They pecked at it a few times the first day but gave up.
Doesn't your heated dog bowl have a built in sensor?
Why not just leave it on 24/7 now winter is here.

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