Has anybody had this happen?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
New Brockton, Alabama
About 2 weeks ago I came home from work and like I allways do I say Hi to my girls.
Well that day I noticed all my girls running up to me as usual, but in the pen I notice that my Sultan Roo has gained about 10 LBS.
So I go over there and see that it is a Broiler Hen, about 14 LBS, I didnt put it there and my DW has no clue where it came from.
It sure didnt fly in there, the poor thing can barley walk, but today it is part of the family and on a diet and is getting around alot better, my Son thinks its funny as heck the way it waddles around.
Ive herd of dumping Dogs but chickens?
I have to say that is a first for me.
When I first started haveing chickens, someone "dumped" a roo in my driveway. The poor thing was beat up pretty bad. Not a "normal roo" I tried to save it, but the poor thing was too far gone. I just dont understand why someone would dump ANY animal. Jeesh! Glad you chicken is on a healthy diet, and I hope it lives a good long life.
My DH doesn't know how Brandy wound up in a local park. She had been seen there for a couple of months or more by the locals who walk there. Finally, my husband just couldn't figure out how she was surviving, so he caught her and brought her home. That was the beginning of raising and loving chickens for me. Fortunately, I didn't have any other birds to worry about catching anything from her, and I have developed an acute case of chicken brains ever since we got her from just reading everything I can find on the Internet about chickens. Now I just get info from this site unless I don't get an answer here. My other source is MSUcares (Mississippi State University), but their site is SUPER technical and scientific. Diseases frighten me to death nearly. Since none of my flock (now I have FOUR birds) has expired, I'm getting calmer by the day and I spend some of the day on this site and most of the night! Chickens are time consuming, and I can't think of a better way to spend time.
Good luck with your little (or shall I say big?) orphan find.
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I kept her seperated for about 2 weeks, I know she came from a Broiler House, we have those all over the place down here.
She probably was a cast off from a chicken truck and good soul picked her up on the side of the road and dumped her here.
And just to clairify, Im not starving her, she just gets to eat layer feeds, in the Houses they are fed steroids and high protien feeds to put on weight fast, she is doing so much better now.
Since you know it's a cast off, I'd see if you couldn't get a grower feed instead as the excess calcium can be very rough on young systems which probably won't help her already self destructive genes. And it's illegal to use hormones(steroids) when growing poultry in the US so her massive size is purely genetics of selective breeding over 40+ years and high protein feeds.

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