has anyone ever been bitten by a chicken?

My ladies miss their mark sometimes when they're going for treats and hit my finger. It doesn't hurt - just startles me a bit. The other day, though, one girl got upset with me and literally grabbed the top of my hand with her beak and wouldn't let go. (I was moving her at bedtime, and she was none too pleased.) Anyway, we had a staring contest while she held on the top of my hand with her beak. I won, and she let go. I had a small bruise but nothing more. She's a noisy RIR named Jane - I wouldn't give her up for the world.
I have one little banty mix hen that tries to eat my fingers, but it doesn't hurt. And my little easter egg banty mutts like to peck my silver rings . The worst bite I ever had from a chicken was when a friend brought me a pure blooded game hen a couple or three years ago . I tucked her under my arm and told the kids to stretch her wing out so I could clip the feathers. First she grabbed me right by my nipple and wouldn't let go!!
I pulled her loose from there with quite a bit of tugging and then she grabbed me by the tender skin under my arm!!!
My kids still don't let me live that down. They said " I thought you said chickens won't hurt ya!!! nananananah !! " brats

Only every time they go broody
and then only about half of them. For some reason, the Buff Orpingtons with their reputation for gentleness are often the worst offenders! Only the broody black Australorps never bite.

The only bad thing about spring--no sleeves or jacket to pull down over my hands to protect them while I get eggs out from under the broodies!
I have a dark freckle on my bottom lip. I guess it looks much like a tick to a chicken. I am generally good at knowing when they are about to get that nasty tick off mommy but was a bit slow one day. I turned my head just enough to let her grab the side of my lip! It bled, it hurt!!!!
I get bit if I don't wear shoes sometimes. It happened after a gardening day in which all my new little BR got to come eat grubs for me. Later that week i went out bare footed and they apparently thought my pale, untanned feet were grubs.
It didn't hurt very much. If you really want to feel it just try hand feeding them one day (before breakfest so they are plenty interested in the grain your holding) and one will surely grab you by accident. Its nothing compared to one of my angry mother ducks. She has twisted my skin to the point of bleeding. *I had to move her because Fire ants were eatting her and her last egg didn't stand a chance.*
You might need to get one of those dust mask to wear to the pen and I might need to wear a bra when I clip wings!!

ONLY if you take pics and post them!!!!! OMG the visual I got is
You might need to get one of those dust mask to wear to the pen and I might need to wear a bra when I clip wings!!

ONLY if you take pics and post them!!!!! OMG the visual I got is

I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight!!
I've been bit every day for the past week. I have a broody sitting on eggs and i have to check everyday to make sure there have been no new additions from any of her flock mates so she bites me about 4 or 5 times while i've got her lifted up. one or two pecks bleed but nothing serious. I've been bitten so many times by snakes that chicken bites are nothing. At least the ones i have experienced.

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