has anyone ever been bitten by a chicken?

Mi new ones are about 4 weeks. I sit in the coop to watch chicken TV and bring treats. They have started to peck at my ankles/feet, I assume to get me to give a treat. One peck drew a tiny drop of blood the other day. It didn't take long for several to start going for that blood. I've read about pecking/cannibalism here but never had a problem, so far (I also have an older flock.) I was amazed at how quickly the behavior started.

I got out of there.

a strong roo with spurs can hurt someone pretty bad. when i was younger my older brother steve ran into the house crying. he had a few scrapes.

i know silkies are known for their good nature, but we just happened to get an evil one XD

but a bite can do nothing. it might hurt a but, but it's just a pinch.
One of our roos decided to peck me one day, he was about 4 months old, I just grabbed him and held him by his feet upside down till he calmed down. Now he likes to be petted and held, never trying to peck me or anyone else since. He's about a year old now.
Yeah I agree with you totally- Bites are just a pain in the butt, but those rooster spurs can be really dangerous. A Rooster spurred my uncle behind his ear one time and the doctor said that if went had went one way or another just a little bit, could have been disastrous . Also I've read a couple of time on here about people getting pecked in the eye. I think one or two of them it really caused a problem. So you have to watch your eyes when you are petting them or holding them up to your face.
Lol , I guess a chicken bite really wouldn't be a big deal since you have been bitten by snakes!! I am a big CHICKEN when it comes to snakes!!
You haven't really been bitten till you get nailed by a parrot - they grab on, hold on and grind their beak. I'll take a chicken bite any day
I totaly agree, mine are so freindly i love spending time with them daily. It the relaxing part of day to sit with my chooks.

DO they still peck sometimes......well.......yes, they are chickens after all.......lol
I sat down in the yard on the grass the other day and picked up one of the girls,Hilda, and put her on my lap to pet her. My friendliest and sweetest girl, Penny, was about 30 feet away and saw me petting Hilda and she made a beeline for me at full speed. She landed on my arm and gave me a good bite through my long sleeved shirt--I have a nice bruise to show for it. She got her little feathered fanny smacked and was quite indignant!!!! Are chickens jealous???
I totaly agree, mine are so freindly i love spending time with them daily. It the relaxing part of day to sit with my chooks.

DO they still peck sometimes......well.......yes, they are chickens after all.......lol

I don't agree, I have one rooster that i have had for 3 years. I spend time with all of them every day sometimes for hours petting, talking, and holding them but this one particular rooster hates me. Every chance he gets he attacks me biting and spurring. He has it down to a science now and sneaks up behind me, grabs the skin on my ankle and jumps up to spur my leg several times. The others are totally fine with me and never bite but he is evil. He loves my hubby tho
He has drawn blood several times, luckily we trim his spurs on a regular basis so they are not sharp. When he does this i use the rooster red method (which this roo is immune to) holding him for several minutes until he calms down. The rooster is a small cochin bantam.

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